Sunday, October 20, 2019

Flake Fun

This has been quite the week. Looking back there was only 1 day that made it that way!  On Wed morning it was really quite cold.  When Scott went out to start the truck it was too cold to start.  So he tried th Miata and the battery was dead. So we bundled the babies up and quickly went to try and catch the bus at the last stop.  We just missed it so we turned around and decided to jump the miata. Did you know that the battery in a Miata is located in the trunk? We didn't. But we finally found it and Scott was on his way. (He made it to work on time).  A few hours later I packed up the kids again and went into the office to do a training.  At the end of the training I stopped by my boss's office and told him that we needed to work on an exit plan for me.
That evening I had started dinner and went to feed Robin and noticed that I had missed a call from Scott...3 of them in fact and a text message. The Miata had over heated and was dead on the side of the road about 10 miles outside of town.  So I packed the kids up again and we went on a rescue mission.  Luckily we were home in time that I made it to my 7:00 temple recommend interview.

Speaking of which, the new recommend questions really made me stop and think before I responded.  Good change if you ask me.

We took the babies to the pumpkin patch yesterday.  Robin wasn't a fan because she was tired but maybe she'll like it next year!

That is all for us this week.  Hope you all have a terrific week. We'll let you know Thanksgiving plans as soon as we solidify them.

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