Sunday, November 3, 2019

Flake Fun

This week has been cold and very dry.  So dey in fact that while the night time temps were 9-18°, there was no frost in the mornings!  But I hear that the temps should be more fall like this week and not so much middle of winter-esque.

I had a nice, semi quiet birthday which was very nice.  It was fun to hear the surprise in Peter's voice when I told him that his mom was older than I am! 

Our sucker fish, Bob, died this week which was sad.  I honestly can't believe how well these fish are lasting! I don't remember fish living this long when I was a kid!

In baby news of the week,  they are getting bigger and enjoy chatting with each other.  Rand doesn't like to lay or sit down anymore but helping him stand is a great workout for biceps.   I think that you should recommend it in your classes T.  Maybe have a couple 3 month olds on hand to help promote the new workout regimen.

Well, that is all that I can think of right now. Hope that you all have a great week.

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