Sunday, December 30, 2018

Manning Mredictions

Nick came up with that great title! We sure had a great time with everyone over Christmas! I hope nobody gets pneumonia however. The highlight for us was talking to Emma and visiting with such delightful people. Wesley is doing much better and was bouncing off the wall all day so things are looking up. We love you all!


Lauren: The parents will get a mission call, Wesley will be potty trained, Ruth will run a marathon, Harts will start another business in lawn maintenance, Thomas will become a motivational speaker, A big change in how we do missionary work, 10 New Temples, Undercover missionaries in Israel.

Nick: Peter and Henry will have a falling out but will make restitution within a day, Robin will deliver triplets (maybe in Arizona), Jenn and Scott will have amazing sleeper babies, Joe will get hired to do post production work for FBI training videos, Harts will figure out a way to use their UFO drones to blow leaves off their lawn, Ruth will singlehandedly build the Hart's next rental property in a weekend, Emma will baptize an entire family, President Nelson will talk about ministering successes in April General Conference, T & T will costar in the next big reality TV show entitled "Wacky-Six," A temple in mainland China, every family has pneumonia in January, Jim wins ping pong tournament, President Nelson issues challenge in Priesthood session having to do with temple work or ministering or reading The Book of Mormon, Lauren masters canning and finances and continues to be the Manning's saving grace, I will officially resign as presider of the home and surrender to Wesley's incessant orders.

Nilsson News

What a wonderful holiday!  It's always so fun to gather with you lovely people and I never get tired of it.  The food, the visits, music, sledding, playing, talking with Hermana Belliston, it was all so terrific!  We are looking forward to this week as getting ourselves put back together.  The kiddos are still on break from their classes and lessons so I'm in full project mode while not being pulled in a million different directions.  I got the playroom painted over the weekend and the best part of it was that it didn't cost anything and it only took a day and a half!  I love a good project like that.  Emerson's bedroom is next on the list for this week.  The hallway might follow, depending on my ambition.  I've also been looking at getting some "new" old doors with a little more charm for the bedrooms and bathroom.  The list is ever growing! 
I was excited when I started thinking about New Years and realized that next New Years we'll get to open our Belliston Time Capsule from 20 years ago!  I hope you still have that mom!  Thinking about new year predictions, this is what we talked about over dinner tonight.

Garrett-  25 new temples announced.  Thomas will be the lead role in a play.  Belliston family will go on a church history trip (Nauvoo).  Nilssons will have 14 donkeys.

Ruth-  Changes in the temple system.  Grandma and Grandpa will serve a local mission.  Victoria will announce pregnancy.  Ian will be a lead role in a play.  All grown girls will go to Arizona for baby shower.  Nilssons will sell first donkey pair.  Joe and Lori will announce another baby.  Nilssons will make $500 in watermelon profit.  New missions will be opened.

Addy-  Harts will purchase 3 new rentals.  Grace will have a growth spurt.  T & T will move back to Utah.  Harts will get a dog.  Mannings will all stay healthy for two consecutive months.  All Nilsson's baby donkeys will survive.  Joe will find a recording studio rental space.  Eight year olds will do something important in the church other than being baptized.  (In 2020, Emma will get married.  Just looking ahead!)

Emerson-  T & T will move to Idaho Falls.

Eliza-  Harts will move to Italy.

We are looking forward to the new 2019 year!  Can't wait to see all of you again!

Previous Predictions

Well, I tried to find predictions from earlier this year, but I only found guesses about where Emma would go on her mission. The predictions for the previous year, 2017, have been lost (like a number of other things) during our recent move. I will keep looking to see what I can find. But, I did find this list - from 2016 - that I thought was interesting in light of recent happenings...

Lori:  New apostle and new prophet; Another set of twins in the family; Donald Trump gets rid of his toupee; Change in Joe's employment situation
Joe:  Dad take an international trip; Snow in June; Harts move to Utah; Scott has new job and another rental property; New technology to change the world the way Apple did
Elise:  Joe goes solo - leaves BYU; Ruth and Garrett will move
Alex:  New baby for Elise
Ian:  Jenn have a baby; New prophet
Jack:  Ian will lose his ipod
Ruth:  Emma finishes American School; Jack will lose another tooth; Garrett starts PhD at USU
Lauren: Thomas and Ruth will have a major life change; Harts will be expecting a new addition; Ruth and Garrett will be teaching Primary in a new ward; A new apostle; Nick will student teach seminary
Nick:  Mannings will have a baby boy; Jim will have to make room for another ward in his building; Sky View will beat American Fork in band; New prophet; Harts have a new house
Mom:  Dad will still work at USU and we will still live in Hyde Park
Dad: Brother Hales will pass away

Hart Happenings

What a lovely holiday!  It was so good to see everyone and visit with you.  The boys always have so much fun playing with cousins and Alex and I have a blast watching them play.  Sledding was such a hit!  We should totally do it again before the snow melts!  I've been playing the music from Lauren, which we all love!  Thanks for sharing your talent!
  We were glad to be able to see both sides of the family this year.  Alex had siblings from out of town come to stay over the holiday and we enjoyed good time with them too.  Yesterday we grabbed some tire tubes from the Army Surplus store and Alex dragged the kids behind the van.  They loved it, but I was too nervous to watch much.
  I've been busy getting everything ready for Primary 2019.  It's hard to keep up with all the changes but we are doing our best.  We have a great ward who is all in and on board with what Pres. Nelson has laid out, so that makes my job easy, but we just want to make sure we are on top of it all!
  Alex is preparing to get 7 new deacons next week and is trying to meet with all of them before Sunday and get them ready for their new assignments.
  The boys are ready to get back into their routine, I think.  They've been looking at the classes that will be available for their Compass group, practicing for soccer to get going again, and getting after me to open up our chapter books again and start reading.  Speaking of books, they LOVED the ones they picked out with Grandma and Grandpa.  It is a wonderful tradition and they have been using them every day.  Here is a riddle from Ian's: "A man and his dog are standing on opposites sides of a wide river.  The man calls the dog and the dog immediately crosses the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or a boat.  How is this possible?"  Let us know what you think!
  Our predictions for 2019:
-Jenn will have twins! (all of us)
-Thomas is going to become famous (Jack)
-Lauren and Nick will make another album (Ian)
-Jenn will feel better (Peter)
-Emma will convert 5 people (Jack)
-Joe and Lori get a new car (Ian)
-Thomas and Victoria will move (Alex)
-Grandpa and Grandma will have a mission call (Alex and Elise)
-Grandpa will go to the quorum of the 70 (Jack)
-Emma will get back from her mission (Peter)
-Victoria will be pregnant (Jack)
-Ruth will grow a 70 pound watermelon (Ian)
-major change in the temple infrastructure of the church announced (Alex and Elise)
-5 more major announcements from the 1st presidency (Jack)
-dad will get a truck (Peter)


Smithfield Scoop

Well, it's awfully quiet around here since everyone left! Our tree is down, as well as the other decorations. The beds are changed and towels are washed and floors are vacuumed and toys are organized. Now what? If anyone is planning a fun New Year's party, count us in!

We enjoyed our time with the family IMMENSELY during Christmas. Having Jenn and Scott here before and after everyone else was a bonus. Talking with Emma was the highlight! Attending the birth on Christmas morning was sweet (especially because it was all said and done before the festivities began and I didn't have to miss anything besides a night of sleep). Everything was especially wonderful this year for some reason - the Cousins Christmas Concert, the music, the visiting, the meals, the ping pong.... It all just felt so real and so good after months of feeling displaced. I can't say I feel extremely settled in our new home yet, but when we were all together, it felt like home. Hard to articulate, but being together had that familiar feel that I have missed for a long, long time. Thank you for making that possible! We are so very grateful you came. What a blessing you all are!

We missed Lori and Hope terribly on Christmas Day, but glad little Hopie is feeling a bit better. We were sad when Wesley had to go to the emergency room and was told he had pneumonia, but glad he's starting to feel a little better. We were sad when Jenn got so sick and felt like she would not be able to endure another 4-6 weeks of feeling so lousy, but glad to realize it was a stomach flu and not just increased morning sickness! There are always going to be a few sad spots, hard times, but the blessings always come by and by.

It felt a little strange to go to church today and know it was the last week of Sunday church meetings as we've known it for the past 38 years. It sort of feels like we are on the brink of a huge shift, a big change, something wonderful and amazing! It's astonishing to me that we get to be part of this time in the history of the church - the history of the world! Knowing that our grandchildren will never remember or know what life, or the church, was like before President Nelson could be unsettling, but it feels more exciting than strange. I, for one, am taking my vitamins and getting my rest in anticipation of what's around the corner....

Hope the "back to normal" is a good place for all of you to be in. We are looking forward to when we will see you all again. Big things will happen this coming year, of that we are very confident!!

Any predictions for 2019????????   Send them this way and we'll publish them. As soon as I find the predictions from last year, I'll publish those, too!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Smithfield Scoop

The weeks seem to be breezing by... I hardly have time to catch my breath, not to mention accomplish anything! I spent every day this week, or at least part of every day, doing midwifery care, so I didn't get to check off all the projects on my list. But, I attended another birth- and it wasn't a breech this time. In fact, the labor went so quickly, I got there 2 minutes after the baby was born. All's well.

We did make some progress in organizing the house. I got the food storage room organized as well as possible without any shelves. It's working just fine with the bottles in boxes. I moved a few things around in the pantry and put some more things in there from the garage, which is very nice.

Dad undertook a big job when he found some odor killer to try using in the garage. He moved everything away from the walls and mopped the walls and ceiling and doors with this substance. It seems to have been effective thus far in eliminating the cigarette smoke smell from the garage. It's hard to tell if the smell has just frozen, or if it is truly gone. We will apply it next to the floor downstairs.

Speaking of downstairs, we were hoping the carpet would be installed tomorrow, but they called and scheduled us for Thursday and Friday this week. We hope it is completed before Flakes arrive on Saturday!

Besides that, we are getting a few Christmas projects done - mostly things for the YSA stake. We had a couple of visitors this week, which still surprises us. One was a gal from the ward, the RS secretary. The other was Bob Newhall, who Dad worked with for 30+ years. It was nice to have company! I didn't even worry about the boxes in the rooms and the pictures on the floor (instead of on the walls). I've turned over a new leaf and am not worrying about such things any more :)

I hope you are all enjoying some calm, peaceful, happy Christmas time. It is definitely a different kind of season this year for us. Not many decorations. Not many gatherings. Just us. But we are glad to have a home and not have to celebrate in a townhouse!

We look forward to seeing all of you soon! Watch for a Christmas Party invitation in the mail...

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Hart Happenings

First off, Peter would like everyone to know that his neck is feeling a little better.  Jack had a brief brush with a sore throat, but is fine now.  Alex is also feeling better (he was never sick, but just chimed in.  I don't think he wanted to be left out.)
The week started off with our last day of Compass, our homeschool co-op, which has been a fun experience.  We got out the Christmas decorations, went and picked out a Christmas tree, and spent our FHE getting the housed decked out for the holidays.
Peter has had fun searching for our Elf on the Shelf every morning.  One day he found her snuggled up in a tissue box which she had turned into a bed.
We also attended a local production of the Nutcracker ballet.  The boys loved it!  It was actually really well done.  They also liked seeing the new Disney movie, Then Nutcracker and the Four Realms, although they said it was nothing like the ballet.  True.
One thing we always look forward to is the local glass blowing open house.  We went and watched the blower make ornaments and then picked some to take home with us.  It is absolutely fascinating and so neat to watch him blow the glass and create these amazing objects.
Jack learned how to make tin foil dinners at his scout activity this week.  He thought they were amazing and delicious.  I told him that he could make those for the family anytime!
We had fun making a quick trip down to Utah to meet Joe and a couple of his kiddos to help Mom and Dad paint some more of their basement.  I think we were all surprised at how quickly we were able to do that.  The next time any of us tries to paint something on our own it will seem miserably long and drawn out though, I'm afraid.  We make a good work crew!
Ian is practicing like crazy for Newsies.  He has practice nearly every day and he is loving it.  We have to find him some tap shoes for the King of New York number which he is excited about.
I started a 21 day Yoga Challenge through the Beachbody program Victoria is involved in.  I absolutely love it!  It feels good to focus on some physical activity every day.
On Saturday morning I had a wonderful time going to the temple with a friend of mine from our old ward who I worked with when I was the Relief Society president.  She came to our ward fresh out of jail, a recovering drug and alcohol addict with a really violent, sketchy past.  The ward family really stepped up and brought her in, we had the most excellent bishops, and for five years they have just loved her and a couple of other gals in the same position, and they have all gone through the temple this year with Nancy being the last one.  It was such a joyful day with about 40 members of our old ward there.  Just a wonderful feeling and a great, tangible experience that spoke to me about what those heavenly reunions will be like.  Joyous to the max!
Lauren, some of my favorite reads this year have been: I Capture the Castle (fiction), the Boys in the Boat (non-fiction), In a Sunburned Country (travel-logue), and The Power of Full Engagement (self-improvement).
It's a great time of year!  Can't wait to see you all.  Harts out.

Nilsson News

I'm glad to report that we survived this weekend- barely.  It was crazy!  I will not give you all the details because it exhausts me to even think about it, but I will say we went to a performance of the Nutcracker, headed up the decorating for our ward Christmas party, and survived flying solo while Garrett was in California.  He ran his best Spartan so far, a 4.5 mile rugged terrain course with 22 obstacles.  He completed all of them and so was able to avoid any penalties (30 burpees).  He earned the trifecta which was a big accomplishment for him.  Is there any kind of trifecta medal you can earn for the motherhood/housewife race?
Addy had a clogging performance at a Christmas expo and that was pretty fun.  We also went to our glass blower's open house and each of the kids got to choose a Christmas ornament.  So fun!  Elise found a fun advent idea called the 25 days of Christ that she shared with us and we have really enjoyed it.  Each night leading up to Christmas there is a certain scripture story and bible video you learn about and then an ornament that you hang on the tree.  It has been a good reminder about the true meaning of the season.
It has been nice to be over our sick stage.  It's no fun to deal with that but I guess it's a part of mortality.  This morning we enjoyed looking out our window to watch the birds at our bird feeder.  We also spotted a couple of flickers on our treehouse.  It reminded me of the good times we had growing up, looking out our huge south window at the birds in our crab apple tree and on our window sill.  We saw all sorts, including a random parakeet!
We are looking forward to seeing all of you over the holidays!  Nobody is allowed to get sick between now and then!  Love you all! 

Flake Fun

This week was kind of long but we survived.  On Tuesday we had our first Relief Society activity/quarterly meeting.  It was Soup with Sisters.  We had a little soup pot luck and each of the ladies brought something that represented her.  We set them all up and played a guessing game to figure out who went with which item.  It was really fun to get to know a little more about the ladies in our ward.

The other day we went outside and the sun was shining.  We could see to the bottom of the horse tank where the fish are and they are all still alive.  Underneath the fish was a huge pile of sludge so we cleaned that out.  OH MAN!!! Who knew that it would stick so bad?  It was nasty!  But now the fish have clean(er) water to swim in!

Hope that you all have a great week and feel better.  Can't wait to see Mom & Dad's new house.  We are planning to get there sometime the weekend before Christmas.  We'll keep you all in the loop as our plans firm up!

Smithfield Scoop

At this point in time, I think I should title our post "Smithfield Suspicions." As I have been scheduling January appointments, I feel suspicious that someone has sped up the clock! Who did it?? What do you mean, the year is almost over? How on earth did that happen??

We have had snow this week. We have had lovely sunshine this week. We had some rain earlier this week. But through it all, we have had VERY cold temperatures. It is rather chilly here. More precisely, it is plain cold - freezing, actually. But that's okay, because it's December and it's winter and it's Christmas, so it's supposed to be cold. If it wasn't cold, I would be suspicious...

Our utmost gratitude to Elise, Alex, Joe, Jack, Peter, Joy and Jake who came to help finish painting the basement. They arrived Thursday morning and attacked the job with incredible energy! I had great plans to help, but ended up running to a birth and left them and Dad to do the work, as well as make lunch and dinner. I arrived home in time to eat and see the job beautifully done. After dinner, Dad and I left to take the Bennetts to a concert at USU, while Harts stayed and put the last coat on the bedroom walls. We couldn't possibly be more grateful to you all! It looks amazing. We are overwhelmed at the kindness and generosity of our family. Dad continues to work in the basement cleaning up, touching up baseboards and door frames. All should be ready by the time the carpet arrives to be installed. Again, thanks to everyone for your kindness and help.

We were very happy to have Peter and Joy and Jake grab paintbrushes and help downstairs, but I was especially grateful that they were willing to decorate the Christmas tree that we had only managed to get the lights put on. The ornaments are all hung on the bottom half of the tree, because that's as high as the decorators could reach, but it is lovely. 

Other happenings this week include getting all of the locks in our house re-keyed. We have some extra sets and will put one set outside somewhere so any of you can come and stay even if we are not here! We also had the piano tuned (by a piano major friend of Lauren's and former member of Dad's stake), so you can play the piano while you are here. It sounds much better! We got a couple of packages off to Emma, then remembered some other things I was going to send. Maybe she'll get three packages this year! Additionally, I was on the committee for the North Logan 7th Ward Christmas party. My assignment was table decorations. I filled 120 canning jars of various sizes (thanks to Ruth for lending me some of her extras!) with sand and tea lights. We helped set up on Friday and refilled food trays and directed traffic. The sister missionaries sought me out to give them a ride to an appointment, so I missed the whole program at the party. Oh, well. We helped clean up and said goodbye to that ward. There are great people there and we made some sweet friendships that we treasure in that short time.

 We look forward to your updates - about the health status of those who have been sick, the outcomes of Garrett's latest Spartan activities in California, about your ward Christmas parties, the travels of Thomas and Victoria in the big city, and any other news you care to report! We love you all and can't wait to see you in the coming couple of weeks!!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Smithfield... Something

Still trying to decide on our post title...

I wrote to Emma last week and listed all that had happened in the past 25 days:  Braden got married; Grandpa passed away; we planned, prepared and held his visitations and funeral; We offered and counteroffered to buy a home, which was accepted after the second time; we applied for, gathered information for and were approved for a mortgage in 21 days (which often takes up to 6 weeks here); I taught a baptism lesson to a less active family’s little 8 year old boy (which was a big deal for me!); Dad and I both spoke at his YSA Stake Conference – Dad spoke 3 different times and I spoke at the Saturday evening session; we told Brother Zook we were moving and took everything out of the townhouse and cleaned it top to bottom; we delivered poinsettias to the ladies I’ve been ministering to, as well as a few others; written countless thank you notes; and moved all of our stuff to a new home; had Thanksgiving dinner in our new home; ripped the basement carpet out; painted a purple bedroom (well, it was actually a lavender color) and met a couple of new neighbors. We did all this while trying to maintain a semblance of “normalcy” in our lives – writing to and shopping for our missionary, paying bills, doing prenatal visits, preparing meals, doing church work, etc. There are some months that are record landmark months, I guess. It really was a whirlwind and we are ready to have calmer days for a while.

We are delighted with Jenn's news and are keeping it hush-hush, as requested, but can't help thinking about it many times each day. Such a blessing. Such a miracle.

We were beyond grateful to the Nilssons and Harts for coming to help us get moved and begin the improvements in the basement. Surely wouldn't have happened without all of you! Our deepest thanks to all!

Sickness has been prevalent and we have been very glad to not have participated in it. We do hope the Mannings and Nilssons and Harts and little Joy are all feeling better now.

That's about all to report. We are just trying each day to get a little more settled. I met the bishop yesterday at church. He's nice. We've met a couple of neighbors. They seem nice too. It will be a nice place to live.  Oh, we did go cut our Christmas tree today. We didn't have to worry so much about the height because our ceilings are taller than before. There was deep snow on the mountain, so it was fun.

Maybe all of you could pray for Emma. She is struggling a little. She was told by one of the Sister Training Leaders that the president said, "If anyone can help Sister Koerner (Emma's companion), Sister Belliston can." I think you know what that means. It's a really, really rough time for her right now. Lots of responsibility and a difficult assignment. She could use some extra prayers.

We love reading the updates and are glad when you all contribute! Can't wait to see most of you over the holidays!

Manning Moments

Well, the last two weeks have been eventful. A week after Grandpa's funeral I came down with some yucky flu that I hear went around the family. Ear ache, nasty sore throat and swollen glands the whole thing. I was fortunate though and felt much improved by Wednesday and then Nick wanted a turn. His lasted a lot longer and was pretty miserable. So we were unable to visit anyone for Thanksgiving which was sad but we still had a good day and a nice weekend. The greatest blessing was that the boys didn't get sick! It was a tender mercy and we had lots to be grateful for!
This last week we had some great times including getting a Christmas tree. Wesley was pretty excited about that. We also had Nick's faculty Christmas party and what a riot. I think I laughed the whole time. What great people Nick gets to work with. The most down to earth people you'll meet. The next night we met up with Mom and Dad and Nick's parents and went to dinner and then saw the lights on temple square. Nick and I went to a Tommy Emmanuel concert while the grandparents watched the little guys. He is quite a performer and a great guitar player. Thanks so much to amazing parents who make those rare dates a possibility!
I have been very grateful for people in our ward lately. It has been an adjustment to try and be an elder's quorum president's wife and have two little boys, even two angel boys. Sunday's just aren't very restful and I can't seem to serve like I want to. But there have been so many people who notice my frantic self and step in to help and I want to be more like them!
You are all an inspiration! I hope to see you mucho during the holiday season!
Elise, I want to know what books you loved reading this year!

Flake Fun

The excitement of this week was that we got snow...well, a heavy frost...well, frost.  The weather has been pretty temperamental this week with consistent wind and inconsistent temperatures and moisture.  We did get a little bit of hail yesterday but it only lasted for a few minutes.  There really was some snow on the roofs yesterday but it was gone pretty quickly.

Things are good in the Flake household.  We are having a hard time believing that it is already December.  It has been a year since Scott moved over to working for the Town of Pinetop Lakeside. It has been a good move for him and for us.  He is working with great people and learning a lot. 

On Saturday we spent a good chunk of time splitting and stacking wood.  I think we only have 2-3 more days of splitting and stacking before our big logs are all taken care of.  I noticed that the patches of grass that I planted several months ago are still growing strong which was quite exciting.  I now have confidence that I'll be able to get grass in the backyard next year! 

Well, that is about all that we have to report! We haven't been sick, despite Jenn having sick co-workers.  Hope that you all have a good week! 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Hart Happenings

  Well, I'm not sure what happened to the majority of our post last week.  The first half (the part that is missing) was a huge excited outburst about the Flake's news.  It was the highlight of our year and still the most talked about event in our family.  The boys and Alex and I are absolutely delighted!  Congratulations to Jenn and Scott!
  Ian was sick pretty much this whole week.  He got left home alone today while the rest of us went to church and thought he was going to die of boredom.  Luckily, so far, the germs haven't spread and the rest of us have felt fine.
  We got snow this week which is always a thrill and Jack and Peter have spent a good part of every day since, playing in it.
  Ruth and I had fun painting some Christmas ornaments this week.  It's part of an advent kit that I found.  So fun!
  We had our big Come Follow Me implementation meeting for Primary today.  I'm getting so excited for it!   We got our Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families book from the bishop when we went in for tithing settlement and can't wait to get started.  It's going to be great!
  Jack is loving indoor soccer and learning about outer space.  He's been on a big kick about the Mars rover and is learning a lot about it.  The other day he hopped on a program and had to fiddle with different entry angles, parachute deployment times, heat shield disengagements, rocket booster initiation, try to get his own rover landed.  It took a lot of messing around with and adjusting, but he finally got it landed successfully.  He worked on it for almost an hour before everything aligned and he didn't crash or burn up.  He is a persistent little fellow!
  Peter has taken a real interest in the piano these days and spends a good chunk of his days banging away trying to pick out tunes by ear.  It is fun to watch that process, but sometimes I miss the electric piano and its volume control or headphones option.
  Alex traveled to Boise this week and made it home safe and sound in spite of the weather.  Hooray!
He went for an affiliate training and had a good time with his business partners over there.
  I have been reading ALOT.  This might sound normal, but it has been a real lot since I've been trying to finish up a library reading challenge along with my Old Testament that we started at the beginning of the year and then Pres. Nelson's Book of Mormon challenge.  My eyeballs are shot.  But I have read some really good stuff, so that's nice.
  Hope all is well with you all and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at some point this month hopefully!  It wouldn't be the holidays without at least a glimpse of all my favorite people!

Nilsson News

Happy December!  The countdown has now begun.  It's the holiday season.  I don't know how it comes so quickly and I wish it would last a little longer.  I'm thinking back and trying to think about what I can write about, but all we have to report is that everyone has been sick.  The kids have liked to individually claim the spotlight so the sickie season has dragged on and on.  Today was the third Sunday in a row that we haven't been to church as a family.  Henry is the only one left so hopefully we will be through it soon.
Garrett has his final Spartan race this weekend.  It is in L.A. so he is flying there Friday night, racing on Saturday morning and flying home Saturday night.  Quick trip. 
Sorry this was such a drab report.  I think next week will be a little more eventful.