Sunday, March 11, 2018

Flake Fun

Last Saturday we rode the train to the Grand Canyon.  It was awesome.  Scott's friend Joe had purchased the tickets but at the last minute wasn't able to go so he offered them to us.  We left early and got some neat pictures as the train pulled up.  Since it was the first Saturday of the month the train was being pulled by a steam locomotive which was really neat.  We were seated in the dome so we were able to have a great view.  There was also a family from Australia in our area and their 4-year old son, George, was adorable.  He was a bit concerned when the train was "robbed" but was brave enough to give the bandit a high five.  

It has been raining today which is nice.  We can use all of the moisture that we can get.  

Still hoping to get an update on last week and how the temple and Big Blue celebrations were...

Hope that you all have a great week! 

1 comment:

  1. It is a huge dream of mine to ride on a real, live train. LUCKY! That sounds like a really cool ride. How long did it take to get to the Canyon?
