Sunday, March 25, 2018

HP HQ Highlights

I really like the new name given by Elise to our home base! (HP HQ - Hyde Park Headquarters) Thought I'd start using it in all family correspondence. Thanks, Elise!

If you've even wondered why the internet was created, I have the answer. Way back when, the internet was invented for our Belliston Family Adventures Blog! Of course, it is used today for many other, less important, things but that is the ultimate reason for the existence of the internet. I am certain about that. For me, it is a place of information, entertainment, belonging, support, encouragement,.... I absolutely LOVE reading the blog posts!!!  I am always amused at the antics of the Springville Bellistons and most recently by the thought of Ruth decorating (and participating in!) a princess party! I have been touched by the continuing encouragement and support given by older siblings to younger ones. It is delightful to read about birthdays and garden plans, mission plans, house plans, and even about what you learn as you attend funerals. If I was as articulate as Elise, I might be able to describe how I dearly love reading our blog. Thanks for your efforts to contribute even when your weeks are so busy.

As you know, Lauren has been very ill. Many in our family have experienced several of the bugs that have made the rounds this winter - some more than once! Thanks for your prayers and encouragement for Jenn when she was so sick, for the Nilsson clan, and again for Lauren and her baby at this time. She is still not up to par. She hasn't been for quite a while. Nick is wonderful and is helping her to stay in bed, like the doctor recommended (and which isn't easy at all with a two-year-old to care for). Thanks to Jenn for the credible information about this particular flu and what can be done to help the suffering. Being as far apart as we are, we can't always physically be there, but the prayers are a tangible help. The supportive, thoughtful and encouraging texts are so welcomed and appreciated. Thanks for being pretty much the greatest family around!

Speaking of sickness, I had an unusual experience at a birth recently. The mom had twin girls by c-section about 19 months ago and really wanted to have a vaginal birth this time around. She and her family had been sick with various things for a month previous to her going into labor - sinus infection, UTIs, stomach flu and then respiratory flu. They were miserable! We kept thinking, "just don't let the baby come until the family is better!" Well, baby listened. But the labor was very, very long and mom didn't really progress, even with quite strong contractions. After 38 hours of labor, and still only 3-4 cm dilated, we took her to the hospital. The doctor who delivered her twins also attended her this time, and said she could still try for a vaginal birth. She labored another 7 hours before finally giving birth to an 11 lb. 2 oz, 22.5 in. baby girl!! Incredible! Seems like baby had just been biding her time, staying healthy and growing. We are all very glad she's here.

There will be an email coming to you shortly about some plans for the middle of May, but as a precursor.... We are hoping that most of you will be available the weekend of May 11-14 for a "mini-family gathering." We will plan on having dinner and activities (including a birthday party for Joe's big #35, ping pong tourney, fun at the park and a family council). Emma will speak in church that Sunday and we may have some additional company after church. You are welcome to stay as many days and nights as you are able. There will definitely be food and conversation. We won't have quite as many goings-on as usual, but it will be nice to have an official family gathering when everyone may already be planning to be here. Let us know what you think and if you are able to attend.

Dad's been doing ward conferences, so it wasn't unusual for him to speak in church today. However, Ruth also spoke in church today. And so did Emma. What fortunate ward members in those wards! I was blessed to hear Dad and Emma in the different wards they spoke in and would love to have heard Ruth speak about music. I've been thinking about Emma's topic. She was assigned to speak about the first 4 days of the last week of the Savior's life - Easter week. Today is Palm Sunday, the day of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Emma spoke of the different people who were present and their responses to that event. Some waved palm branches to honor him and threw their clothes on the road for the donkey to walk on; others had to ask, "who is this?" Of course others were angry and plotting how to get rid of the man on the donkey (Pharisees and other leaders). Emma mused, "Sometimes I think the Savior already has made a triumphal entry into each of our lives, but we may not have recognized it... He isn't going to come crashing through the walls of our apartments, declaring who he is. Most likely, he'll make a triumphant entry line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, by the quiet whisperings of the spirit, reaffirming the fact that he is always there, even when we don't see him." Such a great thought, especially to ponder on this coming week. Have we welcomed Him? How are we honoring Him? What are we willing to learn from Him?

Have a wonderful Easter week and preparing for General Conference! We would love to see some of you if you happen this way for conference!