Sunday, March 11, 2018

Hart Happenings

Greetings family!
  It was so fun to see those of you whom we did see at HP HQ (Hyde Park headquarters).  The temple was so great!  Always neat to be there with family.  Emma was so composed and glow-y.  I look forward to many more occasions to be in the temple with you guys.
  The big blue presentation was very exciting.  Thomas really is a rock star!  I can't believe how good he does the whole mascot thing.  My boys are over the moon proud that they are related to him.  Thanks for getting tickets for all of us T, and for making sure we all got in Victoria!
  The hotel was a kick for the kids.  They had fun being there with their cousins and eating breakfast together, playing on the big touchscreen they had to color on in the lobby, and all the hot chocolate they could drink, which is a lot, come to find out.
  The snowstorm was phenomenal!  It really dumped on us.  When Alex pulled up the next morning to collect us, there was still a good 6-8 inches on the top of the car!  We were thrilled with that kind of sky output!
  A few days before we joined up with everyone in Utah, Mom and Dad were up here to help us celebrate Ian's 12th birthday.  Wha????!!!  I know.  I may or may not have had a substantial meltdown in the car all by myself after a trip to the grocery store the night before the big day.  They just getting older and more awesome!  He and Addy spent the morning learning how to make creampuffs (his favorite treat) with Grandma, and then he got sent out into the wilderness with a pack full of essential items and a trusty companion (Chester) for his rite of passage journey.  He came back a man, and then had to proceed through a series of challenges to earn the right to be 12.  Thanks to Ruth's family and Mom and Dad for participating in the big day.  It meant a lot to Ian.  And also, a huge shout out to Emma who made 2 banana cream pies plus one mini one just for Ian and sent them up here with Grandma.  Totally the extra mile!  Ian raves about her pies.
  So happenings just keep happening up here.....
  This week has been a busy one.  Preliminary meetings for the kids' gardening program, lots of client meetings and walk-throughs for the businesses Alex is selling, piano lessons, scouts, choir, library, church callings, etc.... Probably very similar to all of your weeks, actually!  The weather smiled on us yesterday and we spent the better part of the day out in the sun pruning at the community gardens and in our front yard.  We made some good progress.....or at least we're off to a good start.....still so much to do!
  The main highlight for the week though was Ian receiving the priesthood today.  He is so eager to engage in the gospel on a more grown-up level.  It blows my mind that we have a priesthood-holding young man in the family now.  The best one I've ever met, in fact!  He also got his temple recommend today and he is looking forward to his first baptism excursion on Tuesday morning.  Hooray!
  And just to put it on your radar, I know I raved about this to a bunch of you last summer, but BYU-Idaho does a family Education Week, with classes/activities for the kids, free swimming, etc...But I thought it could be a potentially great experience for cousins to enjoy together.  The dates this year are August 2, 3, and 4.  If that sounds interesting to you, we'd love to host anyone who wants to come.  Go check out their website:
  Anyway, that's about it for us.  We are excited for the upcoming week, with plans to play in Ruth's greenhouse and potentially start some seeds!  Yipee!
  See you sometime I hope!  Sooner than later please!

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