Sunday, March 11, 2018

Nilsson News

Hello family!  We have surviven (it's a new word I came up with to describe this week, it's a mix between survived and driven) this crazy week!  I'll work my way backwards.  Yesterday, we attended the funeral for Garrett's grandma in American Fork.  She lived to her 100th year.  In October is her 100th birthday.  It was a very nice gathering and wonderful memories were shared.  We were able to see many family members that we don't get to see very often any more.  It seems like at this point in life you gather for funerals or weddings.  Hopefully we'll keep the annual gatherings going for this Belliston clan!  Just before driving to the funeral, we watched Addy participate in her clogging competition in Pocatello.  She did a great job and truly enjoyed herself.
On Thursday, we hosted our homeschool great brain group.  We learned some pretty amazing things about the new seven wonders of the world, eyes, how to walk on eggs, stars, vitamins, buoyancy, coral reefs, and poetry.  It is so intriguing to see what things interest kids these days and boy, are they smart!
Wednesday, I was in charge of decorating for the Relief Society birthday party.  It was a huge stretch for me.  I consented to do it before they gave me the theme: of royal birth or rather #princessparty.  Tomboy, rough and tumble Ruth planning a princess party?  Yes, you can laugh.  Outloud.  I sure did.  I think it turned out pretty nice aside from the sequin plastic tiaras that they gave me to put at each place setting (choke, sputter, gag).  I learned that as long as you have yards and yards of tulle, you can turn anything into a princess party.
Last, but not least.....drum roll.......the fireplace facelift is complete!!!!!!  It took blood, sweat and tears, oh, and a new saw for my neighbor since I accidentally chopped the cord in half.  But, I love it and it is a project that I started and actually finished (you can tell Alex that it is possible for me to do!).   Here are some pics
This is day #1:
 This is day #3:
 This is day #29:
 This is day #37
Ta dah!  We are loving it.  I was so looking forward to having a mantle to decorate but for now, I'm liking the clean slate look.  The flowers were from the artistic hand of Elise Hart. 
As for this week, we are not traveling anywhere and are looking forward to getting our hands dirty in the greenhouse.  Can't wait!  We'll make spring happen whether it's ready or not!
P.S.  I'm envious of the Arizona-ites today as we had to move our clocks forward an hour.

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