Monday, March 26, 2018

Belliston Changes

So there are a couple of changes around here lately.  The biggest one is that our ceiling was leaking on the main floor and we discovered it was from the shower upstairs.  After looking into it we found that the shower floor was completely rotted so we decided to get a new shower and re-do the whole bathroom in the process.  I'll attach some pictures.
The second bit of news is now that we have a new bathroom we've decided to sell the house.  I was offered a job up in Salt Lake and we feel really good about the opportunity so we are going to move up that direction.  Hopefully the Bountiful area.  I will be doing pretty much the same thing I do at BYU but for different projects.  I know they are are working on a Pixar film right now which is kind of cool.  I'll be starting the first week for April.
Grace and Grant signed up for soccer this year which will be fun to watch.  They have been playing soccer in our yard nearly every day and the best is when the teenage boys knock on our door asking if they can play soccer with the kids.
That's about it for us.  We're excited to see everybody in a couple of months!

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