Saturday, September 9, 2017

Flake Fun

9 Sept 2017 - Sorry for our lack of blogging the last couple of weeks.  Things are going well in Snowflake.  We have re-started on the island in the front and we are slowly making progress.  The weather has been pretty hot so we only have a couple of hours each Saturday to work on it so the progress is slow. 

The exciting news for the week is that we got our first pets!  We bought 5 Tetra fish and they are lots of fun to watch. 

Last night was really nice so we decided to go on a quick walk before it got completely dark.  As we were coming back through the fields we saw some movement in the weeds.  It was a toad!  A few feet further there was another one!  In all we saw about 5 toads hopping around!  It was so much fun!

Oh, and last week (again on a walk) we were almost run over by a coyote!  We saw it running towards us and Scott kind of startled it or it would have hit us!  As it was, it passed about 20 yards from us. 

Hope you all have had a great week! 

1 comment:

  1. Keep going on those walks! What adventures you country folks have! My boys would have loved to see that.
    Good luck with those pets. First pets are always a big first!
    Can't wait to see your progress on the island!
