Sunday, September 17, 2017

Belliston Adventures

This has been an exciting week!  Grace has been asking for piano lessons for months now and had her first one yesterday!  She loves her teacher, Mrs. Manning, and has been practicing constantly ever since.

Joe sprained his ankle pretty good on Thursday morning playing basketball and has had lots of good doctors taking care of him.

Jake and Joy have been been riding around on their bikes and try to be like the big kids and ride down the big hills.  It makes their parents pretty nervous but no serious accidents so far.

It was really fun to see everyone at the baby blessing!  Thanks so much for traveling so far and making the effort to be here.  We felt really blessed to have so much family here.

A couple weeks ago Jake found a big spider on the sidewalk which ended up being a tarantula.  The kids got the neighbor boys to catch it but Jake, Joy and Grant each had a good time holding it in their hand.  A few days later we found another one in our yard.  I guess this is the time of year they start coming out.

Love you all!  Happy Birthday parents!

1 comment:

  1. Lucky Grace! Mrs. Manning is the best teacher ever! But that spider is kind of freaking me out! What a fun adventure in entomology.
