Sunday, September 10, 2017

Hart Happenings

It was so fun to attend Emerson's baptism and spend time with Mom and Dad.  It was really nice of them to come over afterward and help us finish cutting down a big pine tree in our front yard.  It looks so much better to not have dead things in the yard, especially a behemoth like that.
We were also so glad we were able to get down to Hope's blessing.  Joe and crew are such wonderful hosts we never want to leave so we lingered and lingered.....The food was awesome, as usual, and we had fun listening to the jokes Nick gets from his dad.  Good times.
On Monday we spent the day in Logan with Mom and Dad and Ruth's family.  We went canoeing which was so fun!  I was a little nervous when Jack and Emerson insisted on taking a canoe out by themselves, but they figured things out, were able to get themselves unstuck from a sandbar and narrowly escaped being capsized by the wake of a passing speedboat.  They thought it was a grand adventure.  It was nice to see all the birds and some pretty water lilies and enjoy a nice, slow day.  We brought some blackberries home with us, courtesy of Mom and Dad's garden.  We'll see if we can make them live.
School started for the kids this week and they have jumped in with both feet!  I'm always blown away and a little intimidated by how smart they are.  We are learning about Galileo and the Turks and numbers and astronomy and patterns and polishing our handwriting skills.
Ian and Jack are really into Newsies right now.  Thanks for putting that on our radar, Joe.  We watched the broadway stage production that they filmed and released in the theaters.  It was excellent.  The music is so much bigger and brighter and the vocals are superb!  You can find the whole film on You Tube.  Highly recommended.
It is nice to feel the settling that comes in the fall.  I am so glad to be getting back into a schedule.

Well, our friends just showed up.  I'm off to play games.  Love to all!

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