Sunday, September 17, 2017

Nilsson News

Wow!  It has been awhile since we have posted.  Emerson's baptism was definitely the highlight of the month so far.  We were glad the Grandma and Grandpa were able to come up as well as the Harts.  We enjoyed the first watermelon from our garden as part of the celebration.  It was amazing!  We had twelve that matured very nicely and we shared them with friends and neighbors.  The reaction were all the same, "You grew that here?!"  Our biggest one so far was one we took to the Hart's on Jack's birthday and it weighed in at 24.8 pounds.  It was a very successful experiment that we hope to continue in years ahead.
Along with the watermelon, we have been harvesting corn, tomatoes, peppers, onions and potatoes.  We have about 15 pumpkins that we will be picking here soon.  We have been canning like crazy and hope to wrap it all up with some applesauce.
Last week we finally got all the ground tilled, leveled, and de-rocked so we could plant 4,000 sq. feet of grass seed.  It has taken awhile, but we are finally seeing a few green sprouts here and there.
We started school and between canning sessions we are trying to keep it going.  The kids have been pretty excited about getting back into a routine and so has their mom.  Addy is taking piano from a new teacher that likes to teach jazz (wish it could be Mrs. Manning!).  She is also doing clogging again.  Emerson has loved going to scouts and is doing a great job passing off his requirements.  Eliza is involved with a homeschool gymnastics group and absolutely loves it.  Millie is sitting up and is very close to crawling.  The longer she stays immobile the better.  Henry is such a funny boy and is a deep thinker.  Here's a funny story to get you thinking.
I was at the counter cutting up some honeydew melon and Henry climbed up by me.  He asked what I was doing and I told him I was cutting up some melon.  He nodded and said, "Oh. Melon."  He then reached into the fruit bowl and picked up a little yellow object and asked what it was.  I told him it was a lemon.  He repeated, "Oh. Lemon."
He looked over and pointed to what I was cutting and said, "Lemon?"
"No, this is a melon. A honeydew melon"
"Oh.  A melon."  Then looking back at the object in his hand, "Is dis a melon?"
"No, that is a lemon."
"A lemon."  He nods but is thinking very hard.
Again he looked over and this time he said, "Is that a lemondew?"
It was quite the confusing conversation!  Why do we make english so complicated?!

Hope you all enjoy your Sabbath whether you are eating melons or lemons!


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