Sunday, September 10, 2017

Hyde Park Highlights

It has been so fun to see family in the past two weeks!  Dad and I enjoyed attending Emerson's baptism. He was prepared and seemed excited to be a member of the Church.  The next day I drove to Springville to attend Hope's blessing. That is always special. It was fun to be with so many of our family and Lori's family! What great folks! Then back to Idaho to listen to Ruth as she taught Relief Society about creating "curb appeal" and landscaping ideas for your house and yard, and to help her freeze her corn. I wasn't a whole lot of help, but it was fun to hold baby Millie :)  I also helped Elise make a very special birthday gift for Jack. Alex wants to market it...  Happy Birthday to Jack tomorrow!

Emma moved to an apartment this week and it has been a bit of an adjustment, to say the least. You can smile and wink, but just you wait until your baby moves out and see how you like it!!  Really, she is very happy and it will be a wonderful experience for her. I think it will ease me into this stage of life since she's been home a few times to get things and use the computer.  At least I can talk with her now and then.

The garden is in full harvest - corn, beans, tomatoes, onions, peppers, potatoes, berries and more berries, and even some of our apples are ready to pick. We've frozen lots of corn and are getting ready to make some spaghetti sauce and salsa - after we bottle the peaches we bought. A busy time.

Oh, I wanted to tell you something interesting... You know how they say you have to remove the oven racks when you do a self-cleaning? Well, someone told me about how to clean the racks while the oven is cleaning itself, so I tried it. I took the racks out, put them in the bathtub, covered them with hot water and put 2 or 3 drier fabric softener sheets in the water. The next morning, I took the racks out of the tub, gently wiped them and they look brand new! Amazing! It was fun to put them in the clean oven and pretend it was a new appliance. The things that I get a kick out of - really?!!

Have a great week, all of you! Hope to see you again soon.

P.S. I'm planning a birthday party for Dad. Please let me know if you might be able to attend on September 23rd or the 30th - if you want to.  It will be a flying theme, perhaps with some actual flight time for those who might like to go up with Dad as pilot.  We'll have some other flying opportunities, too, like paper airplanes, balsa wood planes, etc. Just let me know if you would plan to come. No pressure!

1 comment:

  1. You're hilarious Mom! But I can relate. There is something awesome about new cleaning strategies that actually work! I'll have to try that one.
    About the bday party. We are available either weekend. Let us know if we can help with the planning!
