Sunday, April 9, 2017

Hart Happenings

It was so fun to touch base with everyone in our family this week at some point!  We love our family!
Sunday we were in Logan for Conference and got to see Lauren, Nick, Wesley, and Thomas, along with the parents and Emma.  While there we found out that Joe and co. were going to be up in Logan on Thursday for their Spring Break so we decided to come back down to hang out with them.  We went to Baby Animal Days at the American Heritage Center which was a blast!  It is so fun to watch the cousins playing together.  Dad and Mom and I were getting all kinds of excited about the pioneer games we played and are going to figure out how to make some of our own.  Simple but hours worth of entertainment.  After touring the dugout and cabins there Peter now wants to grow grass on our roof.  Jenn and I had a lovely conversation on Thursday night while she and Scott were out doing good deeds for their neighbors.  Saturday afternoon Emma came up to do some shopping (she really had to twist my arm) for some items she wanted for the pending D.C. trip.  We had so much fun!  Mom, Thomas, and Victoria came up for Millie's baby blessing today and it was so great to see Victoria! I feel like it had been a while.  It was delightful to visit with the Nilssons, as always.  Being with family just never gets old!
This week Jack started soccer and is having a great time!  He is a natural and we are excited to watch him develop those skills.
Peter got a bike for his birthday and he has totally mastered it and is zipping around like a pro without training wheels.  He never used them once!  It makes his mom nervous to watch him attempting the tricks that his big brothers can do, but there's been no bloodshed to date.
We had a productive weekend (those are the best kind) and were able to wrap up and tackle a few projects that had been lingering on our list.  Hooray for a clean garage.  We haven't even wanted to park the cars in it yet!
One of our really good friends got baptized this week which was so special!  We have been through a lot with this family and it was such an amazing thing to see the dad turn his life over to the Lord and take this step.  He has been investigating the church for a few years and finally decided to commit to baptism.  We were talking afterwards and I said to him "it has been a good day", to which he responded, "yeah, the very best".  It was especially poignant because the day before that we had all attended the funeral of his father. It was an interesting juxtaposition and a reminder that the good and bad, sad and splendid are all wrapped up in one big package that makes up our mortal journey and that can exist side by side and that one doesn't necessarily negate the other.
We are really looking forward to the Family Gathering.  And I would really like to hear Joe's interview with Dad.  It think that was such a brilliant idea.
Love to all!!!!

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