Sunday, April 16, 2017

Nilsson News

I haven't been on the blog in awhile so I thought I would change that today.  Merry Easter to everyone!  I had some really cute pictures of the kids in their Easter outfits but my phone is giving me fits again.  I hope to figure it out soon!  Yesterday we had our annual/traditional Easter festivities with the Harts.  We started the morning with some fun egg dying and not just the typical methods.  We pulled out the cool whip, the cabbage, paint pens, kool aid, and had a great time.  The kids did a great job with the designs they invented.  After the BBQ lunch, came the epic egg hunt.  We probably had close to 150 eggs stash full of wonderful goodness.  The two dads had the duty of hiding all of the eggs over the vast expanse of the Hart yard.  They were actually good enough to limit it to the back yard.  We had a great time sitting in the spring sunshine and fresh air watching the excitement and enthusiasm of the little people.  If anyone would like to join with us next year, the invitation is always open!
Along with the rest of you, we are getting spring fever.  The kids and I took a tour of the local greenhouse (thanks to the Hart's for the idea!) and while being there I got the digging in the dirt itch so bad!  But, our dirt has to warm up a bit more and it still needs to get tilled.  In the meantime, we are enjoying the more frequent warmer days, the blooms, the buds and the bees.  I love the springtime and the new life that it represents.  I love Easter and the reminder that it gives us of new life.  It is because of what happened on this day thousands of years ago that we are promised of being reunited with our little twin boys again.  How grateful I am for this!  We are so blessed to have the truth!  I hope you all enjoy this day and this lovely time of year!

1 comment:

  1. Next year... I say that every year after missing your delightful Easter egg hunt. But this time I am serious! Sounds like a blast. I worry that if we come the snow will follow us there....
