Sunday, April 23, 2017

Flake Fun

23 April 2017 - First off, a HUGE congratulations to Nick on his new job!  Can't wait to see the adventures that will unfold!  Hope you find out soon where you will be teaching and that you'll find a place that you like.

Also, congrats to Grant on his amazing goals at the soccer game yesterday!

This week has been a little crazy as it always is after a vacation.  I spent 3 days in a training so I only had 2 days in the office to get things caught up there.  Luckily I was able to get all of the vital things done.   Scott has also been really busy at work but I think he is getting slightly caught up.

The weather has been gorgeous; up in the 70's most of the week.  I was able to plant a couple of flower beds this weekend and did some garden prep yesterday.  Still a frost or two on the horizon so the tomatoes are still safe in the greenhouse but hopefully we'll get them transplanted soon.  Our pepper and onion starts are also looking pretty good. 

We had our first pack meeting which went really well...we are the new cub masters.  Scott is great with the boys and they seemed to have a lot of fun.  We have great den leaders which makes things fairly easy. 

Can't wait to hear about the Hart's new chicks and all of the other family adventures! See you all in a month or so!

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