Sunday, April 16, 2017

Hart Happening

Happy Easter all!  Ruth did a great job of relating our Easter celebration yesterday.  It was such a wonderful day.  We always feel especially smiled upon when the weather is pleasant which it was yesterday.  The kids had a great time together and it was fun to visit with the adults and bask in the sunshine.
Unfortunately, the flag football game that night wasn't so pleasant.  Our team got super beat up and lost rather miserably.  Plus our adorable little fans about froze to death once the sun retreated for the evening.  I was enjoying a lovely Book Club discussion group with some of my favorite people and so was blissfully unaware of the carnage and hypothermia happening with the male side of the family.  But they were all clean and tucked in bed when I got home except for Alex.  I made him take a bath to soak off all the mud and blood and grass stains.  Hopefully he recovers before this coming weekend when he is going back out there to chase the glory.  Make me laugh.
We've had nice weather and cold weather and nice weather and cold weather.  I told a friend of mine that spring in Idaho is bipolar.  We wear our coats everywhere, just in case.  On Friday it shined in the morning, then blew like crazy, and then rained a bit, shined again, and then snowed!  I wanted to pull my hair out!
Anyway, it keeps things interesting!

Looking forward to a new week and some new baby chicks!

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