Sunday, April 2, 2017

Flake Fun

2 April 2017 - Things are looking like spring in Snowflake.  The trees are budding and blossoming, the prairie dogs are chirping, the sun is shining (for the most part) and plants are starting to pop up. 
This week has been a long one.  Scott has a lot on his plate at work which keeps him really busy.  I had a training this weekend so I was "at work" on Friday and Saturday which made for a very short weekend.  Luckily I have a wonderful husband that did all of the shopping and laundry while I was gone! 

The training I was at was for CERT - Community Emergency Response Teams.  It was very enlightening and caused some good preparedness reflection.  Have you ever wondered where to start with you emergency preparedness?  The thought came to me that we need 72 hour go-kits but we also need 72-hour stay kits.  Just consider, IF you were stuck at home for 72 hours, do you have everything that you need?  When I say stuck I mean, you can't leave, you have no utilities, no phone, no water (coming through the pipes) or anything.  Are you ready for something like that?   I have learned in my job that, for most people, when a disaster occurs, help won't be there for at least 72 hours. When I say help, I mean government/utility/the Calvary type help. And even when they do get there, you might not be at the top of the list. Did you know that utility companies have a restoration hierarchy...critical infrastructure first (your house isn't critical to the utility company! - unless you have a life saving device in it that has been registered with them).  So, a fun exercise for you (if you want) could be to write down everything that you use in 72 hours.  Don't scrimp, don't change your routine, just write it down.  At the end of the 72 hours, look over your list and adjust your 72-hour stay kit accordingly.  Anyway, that is my preparedness thought - same thing goes for the students Dad. 

We are getting excited for the Gathering!  We'll let you know as soon as we decide what we are going to be making for the mission dinner.   Love you guys!  Can't wait to see you all. 

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