Sunday, December 11, 2016

Nilsson News

Well, there isn't much to post here.  Henry has been sick since the start of the week with a super runny nose, cough, etc.  Thankfully he has been fairly pleasant about it.  Since he likes to hang around on his mother so much, he decided to give his germs to me.  I've had a sore throat, cough and no voice since about Wednesday.  I was pretty bummed to miss out on all the partying, as was Eliza.  We made a few Christmas presents for the siblings that were at Grandma's and that was pretty enjoyable.  I hope we get to see some footage of the amazing cousins concert!  Garrett was able to get a few more walls built in the basement and we are pretty much to the point of needing an electrician (calling Scott!  Where are you Scott?!).  We are still trying to adjust to this crazy winter weather.  One day it's 10 degrees outside with a bitter wind blowing and the next day it's warm and raining.  I hope our animals will survive alright.
We hope all of you are enjoying this delightful time of year and are trying to keep it from slipping by too quickly!  I always wish it could last a little bit longer!  Love you all!
P.S.  Congrats to Emma on making callbacks for the performing missionaries!!!!  I wish I was as awesome as you!

1 comment:

  1. We sure missed the rest of you at our Christmas party, but hope you have recovered and are feeling healthy and vibrant! Can't wait to see you sometime soon...
