Sunday, December 4, 2016

Hyde Park Homefront

You would have loved seeing Dad yesterday at the mini mission reunion we hosted at Dad's church. When a sister missionary who was in Adelaide with Dad  called and asked if he knew what had happened exactly 40 years ago, he was stumped.  She then reminded him that they were in the Mission Home in Salt Lake exactly 40 years ago.  They talked and decided to try and get the local missionaries together.  There were only 7, besides Dad, who were able to attend, but they sure had a great time reminiscing!  They brought photo albums and other pictures to share and discuss.  It was so fun and fueled the missionary fire in those old guys!

I had lunch with my high school friends, Ilene and Lora this week also.  Sounds like we are dwelling on the past around here.... It was nice to visit and catch up on what's going on with those who were so important in helping me come into the church and acquire a testimony.  They are great gals and still an inspiration to me.

We were delighted to visit Idaho this week.  We took up some beef to the Harts and Nilssons, then got to stay and learn about the Eiffel Tower, paper airplanes, beet boxing, Beethoven and fossils at their great brain activity.  It was thoroughly delightful!

This morning I attended a birth and missed church in our ward.  I did return home in time to get to a different ward Sacrament meeting.  There was a very rich spirit in that ward.  They were all fasting for a member of their ward, former bishopric member, who learned just after Thanksgiving that he has pancreatic cancer.  There is no treatment and he will likely be gone in a few weeks.  It's amazing what unity does for a ward, or a family, or a group of friends who are focused on a common purpose. Their hearts were truly one and there was a tangible outpouring of love and peace. I was glad to be there.

I am sending an invitation tomorrow for the family Christmas party.  Please feel invited, but not pressured to come. I will also email it so you'll have a few more days to plan.  Love you all!

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