Sunday, December 11, 2016

Hart Happenings

  So, I guess technology is great as long as it works, but when it stops working I have to face the embarrassing reality that said technology has made me lazy.  Case in point: I'm so used to using my phone to post on the blog and upload pictures that since the Blogger app on my phone has started malfunctioning I have just not been able to muster up the energy to pick up the computer to blog instead.  LAZY ME!  I'm now turning over a new not lazy leaf and am posting today via our trusty laptop.
  We have enjoyed a quieter week than normal which has been so nice and we've been able to make some nice progress on a few of our projects.  I feel like we have had company every weekend since we moved here and our weeks have been spent cleaning up after the visits and preparing for the next one.  One of the things we looked forward to the most about this house is the ability to have space for people to come and visit, so we have enjoyed those visits but they will be even better when we feel a little more settled.
  The 2nd annual Christmas party was a blast!  We had so much fun and were so glad to hang out with all those who were able to come.  We were sorry that Ruth was sick, and that Victoria had to work, and then we were sorry that Joe got sick and that Nick got peed on, but it was great to rub shoulders in spite of all those things!  We have the very best family!  The cousins are so talented and all get along so well.  I was delighted to just watch them enjoy each other.
  We got our Christmas tree and decorations up, to the joy of the boys.  It's such a great time of year and it's nice to have some snow to go along with the cold temperatures and the winter songs on the radio.
  I don't have a lot more to write here.  I think I'm really tired and my brain is feeling slightly sluggish.  But we up here are huge fans of our Belliston side and are glad that we stay in touch and have a good time when we do get together.
  Warm winter wishes!!!
  Hope everyone is feeling better!

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