Monday, January 22, 2024

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello! This last week was great. Cam and I went on our first movie date since having Stetson and it was a blast!! Cam was SO excited to see The Boys In The Boat. I wanted to read it before we went, so I sped through it and finished it about two hours before we saw it 😅 in hindsight I probably would’ve preferred to wait to see if for a couple weeks… but cam would have been devastated so we went. It was very good. Apparently I am a harsh movie critic but I will spare you the critique. 

We are finally feeling pretty settled and getting into a routine. It always feels so overwhelming to get into a new place and learn your way around your own house but it’s so nice when you finally get it figured out. 

It was so fun to see Yanny and her family!! Stetson loved watching the big cousins and was pretty entranced by Jane… just so long as I wasn’t holding her.

We went to Kaysville on Saturday to celebrate Cams grandpas birthday. Stetson was in heaven with their dogs… they let him touch them and hug them and pat them and he was so so gentle. It was awesome. 

Sledding… his face didn’t change the whole time

Movie date!

Be one with the toys

No one warned me how exhausting church is with a toddler… day of rest my foot 

Cold walks

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