Sunday, January 14, 2024

Hyde Happinesses

 Change change change. Change. We are finally feeling moved it and it’s great. I really like our little place and it’s been a blast putting it all together. Cam started school this week as well as a new job, so it’s been a crazy time for him but he’s taking everything in stride and just killing it. He is working at Logan dental as a dental assistant which is awesome and he’s been liking it so far. 

Of course the big news of the week is that Stetson turned one! Totally unbelievable. He also started walking for real! Tottering all over the place and it’s 100% adorable. Cams siblings and their significant others came as well as mom and dad, and we had a blast celebrating Stetson boy. We started with pizza (one of Stetsons favorites), then we had a charcuterie board and some cake. It was pretty fun. We opened some presents and Stetson was so cute. Mom and dad got him a recorder which he promptly blew into and got roaring applause. #prodigy. The birthday theme was “Orange” (or one little cutie) because Stetson is seriously obsessed with oranges. It’s weird. Mom and dad also got him a bag of his very own oranges and that won the present of the year award. He tried to eat them through the bag, peel and all. We also discovered Stetsons total phobia of balloons. We knew he didn’t really like them, but we blew some up and put them around the house. However, when we took them down last night, he about had a conniption. He screamed and shook and held onto us as if his life depended on it. Very sad. Now he is our big one year old boy and that is totally crazy to me! 

Cams first day of school 😂

The happiest lil guy 

He loves balls right now (ba ba)

We recently discovered that he is absolutely transfixed by whispering. He’ll lean in super close and just listen as you whisper in his ear

His grandma Hyde got him this for his birthday! To Stetson for me ;) it’s a little kitchen helper and it’s been so fun! 

 Cranberry orange bread for Stetsons birthday 

He’s big into giving kisses lately and it’s awesome and oh so slobbery 

Oranges 🤷🏼‍♀️

Birthday eve dinner 

There were balloons all too close to his chair. Hence the stoic look

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