Saturday, January 6, 2024

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello hello! I am so looking forward to seeing more of you guys! Our family really is pretty awesome.

Time has been flying by. We got back from our cruise on the 22, had a lovely Christmas, packed everything away, flew to Utah the 28th, hung out with mom and dad, then moved into our new little house on the 4th! It’s been a bit of a wild ride, but fun nonetheless. I am actually loving our new (rather old) place. I was telling a friend I felt that I was living outside of my time of life in Kentucky in a big, strange house and big grown up jobs. Now I feel a little more comfortable in a tiny, somewhat cramped, falling apart, totally charming little house. I love its quirks and uniqueness. And I feel like we’re living more in our stage of life 😅 totally broke, in school, and trying to make ends meet. What a blast. 

Although a lot has happened, I really don’t have too much to say. It was very fun to see part of the Hart household this weekend! I’m definitely looking forward to seeing more of everyone else as well. Cam starts school on Tuesday, so you might have to come to us for the first little bit ;) Stetson has been toddling all over the place and it’s so fun to watch. He can totally walk, he just doesn’t yet. But this evening, we had dad over for dinner and we were just chatting in our living room afterward. Stetson was in the middle of the floor on his knees when all of a sudden he stuck one foot under him and stood up, no help from his hands or anything. He kinda swayed back and forth but stayed on his feet and tottered over to me!! It was totally awesome. He’s walked before, but never stood on his own yet and it was incredible. So fun to watch him grow and stuff.

He LOVES oranges 

He’s cute. But this was at 5:30am. He’d been awake for an hour. 

Just 😍

Helping us unpack

3 years with the love of my life!

Cute little retro bike

Turns out he loves playing in Oakleys bed

Our walks are a little colder these days 

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