Sunday, October 1, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Always fun to see all of you on Family Matters :) and special shoutouts to both James and Yanny as they celebrate birthdays this week. We love a good birthday around here!

Stetson has been sleeping somehow better and worse since last week… what a roller coaster! Hats off to anyone who is still a nice human being after not sleeping for several months. I applaud you. 

There’s not too much going on around here. We enjoyed watching conference. It was a lot of chasing Stetson around and making sure he didn’t get into anything he shouldn’t, but it was very nice to hear inspired words. Always a highlight for sure. 

Just wanted to say I love y’all and hope you have a great week! 

Cam got me some lovely Dutch ovens so I can make all the soups and sourdough breads to my hearts content ❤️ I love him (and not just because he buys me things).

Always helping his daddy

Caramel apple charcuterie board. Not featured: the caramel

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