Sunday, October 15, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 It was a good week :) we’ve enjoyed having the missionaries over once or twice a week and this week was no different. It was excellent to have the elders here this time around. We have the sisters on Thursday which will be good. I’ve been trying to pry and ask them about their favorite foods and desserts from home. Last week I got a killer peanut butter bar recipe from Elder Taylor’s mom. This week I’m going to do cauliflower soup from Zupas for one of the new sisters. It’s been fun to feel like I can make a little difference for them. Cam and I often talk about how nice it was to go to members houses and have something familiar to eat and talk about life in general. It’s been so nice to reminisce and remember. 

We officially ripped out our garden. I have mixed feelings about it. It was a very plentiful garden and it was so great for us. We got some bottled tomatoes and salsa which is perfect for the winter! It was fun to try my hand at it and see some results :) 

We celebrated Stetson’s 9 months this week! Crazy! Time is going by way too fast! We celebrated by going to Harrogate to tour Lincoln Memorial University. Cam is thinking he’d like to go back to school to be some kind of doctor - animal or human :) tbd. They have a very nice vet program he wanted to check out. The town was very quaint and very very small. But the campus was stunning. Absolutely gorgeous. So that was very fun :) 

Massive caterpillar on our walk. Stetson so wanted to eat it

Cheddar jalepeno bread. 10/10

He’s a little bit of a flirt! He loves talking with Amilia during sacrament meeting. She’s about 3 months older than him, and about half his size 😂

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