Saturday, September 23, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Well we’ve got a sick baby over here so I’m writing on the blog while I hold him. We’re not quite sure what he’s got but he’s pretty miserable and just wants lots of snuggles and nursing. He’s not super cuddly so while I’m sad he’s not feeling well, I’m loving all the snuggles. 

As usual, not too much happened this week. I’ve enjoyed spending a little bit of time in the kitchen canning and experimenting with sourdough recipes. We canned some salsa this week and made English muffins. We also meal prepped some breakfast sandwiches for Cam to take with him in the morning. I always feel like I have my life together when I meal prep something 😂 

Cam has been extra busy at work lately with a potential upcoming promotion and store audits. He’s still loving what he’s doing and especially enjoys the pressure of problem solving as a manager. He’s flying to Florida in the middle of October for an owners meeting so if anyone wants to come keep me company, you’re more than welcome 😃

We got to go to Eckerts again this week with some friends. It’s the same place where we go to pick blackberries and peaches. This time we picked some apples and pumpkins. We’re going to do a caramel apple bar with those same friends tomorrow which will be a blast. 

These two have been buddies lately which is so fun. Stetson learned to throw her ball, so now she’s thinking he’s good for something anyway 😅 we also discovered Oakley loves bubbles and Stetson loves watching Oakley pop the bubbles. 

Until….. she looks so unbelievably guilty in this picture 😂 I promise he just wore himself out filling up his diaper.

Salsita! We added smoked paprika to get a smoky taste and it worked!! 


English muffins 

Pt 2

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