Saturday, October 7, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Stetson is having a hard time sleeping again, so I’m sitting in the rocker, writing on the blog. It’s good therapy. 

Not too much to say this week. We’re just living out here. Nothing too exciting. Probably the most exciting thing that happened this week was I got to go to a paint your own pumpkin night. One of the girls in the ward arranged it and I was delighted she invited me. I’m not very good at making friends so it was an honor 😂 I minister to her and she’s a sweetie. She invited several other people, but it ended up just being four of us which was perfect. We sat and chatted about anything. Really so enjoyable. I haven’t spent any time away from Stetson since I got my hair done in May, so that was a little exciting! Unfortunately Stetson was not a fan and I had to come home early to help put him down. But it was fun while it lasted. 

Other than that, we babysat the Hyde’s dog this week while they were in Florida. I don’t like her, but she behaved and really is sweet. I’m glad she’s back home now though. On the bright side, she’s really good with Stetson and gladly let him pull her hair and poke her eyes. She was so gentle and patient. 

Cam and I have enjoyed being able to put Stetson down a little earlier for bed and with small interruptions, we have been watching the Andy Griffith Show. Oh man. It’s so good. I didn’t watch the Andy Griffith Show as often as I watched I Love Lucy or Hogans Heroes, but I have come to really appreciate it! We watched one yesterday, Opie and the Hobo. If you’ve seen it, you’ll recall that the hobo teaches Opie to tell half truths and sneak gum balls from the gum ball machine and put off for tomorrow what could’ve been done today. Andy confronts the hobo about it and the hobo says something like “well, maybe I do think a little differently than most folks. But who’s to say your way is better than mine? Why not let the boy decide?” And Andy says “Nah, I'm afraid it don't work that way. You can't let a young 'un decide for himself. He'll grab at the first flashy thing with shiny ribbons on it, then when he finds out there's a hook in it, it's too late. The wrong ideas come packaged with so much glitter, it's hard to convince him that other things might be better in the long run, and all a parent can do is say, "Wait. Trust me," and try to keep temptation away.” Ahhh my mommy heart just near exploded. It hurts my soul to see all these attacks on families and children. There is such a thing as truth. And there is such a thing as parents being parents and teaching their children the right way to behave and live.  Needless to say, I was reminded of all the many reasons why I quite enjoy the old shows and movies


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