Sunday, October 22, 2023

Flake Fun

The last little while has been quite interesting and, at times difficult for me.  At the end of September, Scott flew to San Diego for his annual business conference.  Then he stayed a few more days with his dad and brother to celebrate Randy's 65th birthday with some off shore fishing.   They caught 2 Mahi Mahi.  

James turned 3 and had turned into a talking machine! He chats all day and loves it when his conversations are taken seriously.  He was delighted to get a basketball and shovel for his birthday! 

We had a lot of fun getting pumpkins at our local pumpkin patch.  The kids are very excited about carving them which we plan to do sometime this week.  

We went through a couple of weeks of sick kids but we all seem to be on the mend now.

We have had a lot of birds fly into our greenhouse lately which is fun, except when they knock themselves out. 

Scott and I were asked to speak in church today on Elder Bednar and Elder Anderson's conference talks.  It went well.

We miss you guys like crazy and can't wait to get together for Thanksgiving.  

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