Sunday, January 17, 2021

Smithfield Scoop

 It's been a week of work, cleaning and organizing. Sometimes these kind of weeks are quite glorious! There is still much to do, so the coming week may be more of the same - organizing photos, rearranging closets and rooms and toys and clothes, etc. It is the perfect time for such projects... cold, snowy, slow. 

Dad spent the weekend in Idaho Falls, watching the Banff Film Festival and staying with the boys while Alex and Elise had a little getaway in Salt Lake. It's always a delight to have a change of pace and visit family - any time anywhere!

Emma and Cameron came for a few minutes today and I reminded Em of her time capsule she made in Young Women. She had forgotten about it and hadn't opened it when they were engaged, which was the original intent. So, Cam talked her into opening it and it held some great surprises! There were then-current photos of family and friends (T was just about to leave on his mission), pictures of engagement rings she liked, colors and bridesmaid dresses (for Addy, Grace and Eliza!) for the future reception, favorite quotes, pictures of the kitchen she would love to have - oh, that pantry!, and - best of all - letters! One to Emma from Emma. One to Emma's future spouse from Emma. And several to Emma from family members (Grandpa, Thomas, Emilee Bennett and others). It was fun to see how things have changed... and how they haven't so much.

Well, I have searched in vain for our family predictions for 2020. But, who on earth, or at least in our family, would have thought to predict anything like what happened - pandemic, masks, Covid testing, everyone working from home, temples closed, church at home, shut-downs and shut-ins... It pretty much consumed our lives, so what would have been the use of predicting anything else?!

However, it is a new year and a time to look forward - and predict better things for 2021(hopefully)! Here are a few thoughts from our family for this upcoming year. Feel free to add anything by mentioning it in your posts. I'll try to keep track and post a new list at the end of this year.

Predictions for 2021

7 of us voted for a Baby GIRL Manning and 7 for Baby BOY Manning - a TIE!

Ruth and Thomas - Joe's family will move

Addy - we will have a Cracked Wheat for Christmas performance, and 2 other shows!

Lori and Thomas - Ruth's and Ian's websites will go viral

Addy - Nilsson family will get Covid

Elise - The Nilsson's simple little farm will double in size (will they have to rename it??)

Joe - The Covid restrictions will remain all year

Scott - There will be a big project at the Harts

Thomas - Alex will buy a Tesla

Torie - Jenn and Scott will invest in solar panels

Ruth - There will be a new temple announced in Cache Valley

Elise - Lori will start and finish her book

Garrett - Addy will write a sequel to her book

Mom - Thomas will buy equipment for his new gym

Ruth - Thomas and Victoria will be expecting again

Ian - Emma will be expecting

Thomas - Alex will coach a boy's athletic team

Dad - There will be changes in how temple work for the dead is done

Jenn - There will be a shortage of masks and they will be outlawed (Let's hope so!)

Ruth - Mom and Dad will submit mission papers

Mom - Temples will reopen for work for the dead and we can be ordinance workers again!

Jenn - Rosie will get a haircut

Lori - Goal-it will be a success

Elise - Flakes will move and will find another rental to buy

Alex - The boys will have a fishing trip and will catch some fish!

Grace - The Bellistons will get their street changed to a name instead of a number

Elise - Mannings music will be discovered

Alex and Lori - There will be a significant earthquake in Utah

Ian - There will be 2-3 new apostles sustained

Jenn - Torie's website will be a success

Garrett - A successful vaccine, economy will improve and stocks will increase (Positive thinking!)

Alex - Trump wins

Lauren - President Biden dies, Kamala Harris becomes president (Heaven help us!)

Ian - Grace will have a growth spurt

Lauren - Joe will win a competitive Spartan race

Garrett - Scott joins the family in a Spartan race

Addy and Ian - JJ and James will learn to walk

Mom - Emma will get a desirable medical interpreting job

Ian - I will get my driver license

Scott - Ian will wreck the car

Mom - we will have a delightful time at the family gathering in June

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