Sunday, January 17, 2021

Hart Happenings

I love the beginning of a new year!  It comes with a special energy and perspective, very hopeful and anticipatory.  Good stuff.  The Harts have some exciting things in the works and are looking forward to what 2021 holds.  Hopefully lots of opportunities to be in close proximity to you great folks.

This week was a good one.  Peter has started piano lessons and is loving it.  Jack decided after Peter's first piano lesson that maybe he wanted to jump on that bandwagon too so he will be starting lessons this coming week.  We all started some new Goalit goals and my handstands are coming along (I no longer get dizzy when I stand back up), although my harmonica still sounds ghastly.  The boys have noticed some benefits from going without sugar for a couple of weeks now, and Alex is feeling all kinds of motivated about his 15 or so behaviors he is practicing.

We've been working on our front room/playroom situation and haven't had any luck finding a couch in Idaho Falls so Alex and I decided to head to Salt Lake to look.  Dad came up to hang out with the boys (such a trooper!) and I know the boys, at least, had a smashing time.  They can't wait for the next go around.  Alex and I were successful and the new couch is now resting beautifully in the front room, thanks to a collaboration with Alex's sister Staci and her husband, and a pick-up truck.  Driving that truck home brought back some great memories of the orange Chevy.  That was a good truck.  Can I get an amen?!  

We loved the pictures of our family that were taken at Emma's wedding.  Thanks for pushing for that, Mom.  We are so glad to have them.  

Peter started indoor soccer and has had a couple of games, one they won, and the other they lost.  Dad took him to his game yesterday and had to battle black ice on the roads there.  Scary!  Afterwards, they went to the local cheese store and feasted on cheese samples and scoops of delicious gelato.

The boys and the cousins are gearing up to have another go at their Cracked Wheat for Christmas show.  Stand by for news......

Hope all is well with you!  It was so lovely to see everyone at the wedding.  I have so many delightful memories of those few days with you.  Let's do it again.  Just the being together part, not the wedding part, but maybe the Sister's number part???  

So long, for now.

Games with Scott.  The best!

I don't even know what was going on here.

Getting Emma to the temple in her dress.  Happy girl!

Alex getting his baby fix.  Thanks for sharing Jenn!

It was so fun having the Flakes over.

A pile of boys! So cozy!

Snow cones with Cam and Em.

Our diorama of a Boreal forest.  We are studying biomes right now.

The new couch.

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