Sunday, January 31, 2021

Flake Fun

 The fun part of this week was waking up to a decent amount of snow on Tuesday morning!! It took several days to melt and we even brought enough snow in to fill up the water table.  The twins had a blast with that.  They learned (much to Rand's dismay) that snow disappears when placed in water. 

The twins learned the joy of licking the brownie bowl this week and James learned the joy of rolling from his tummy to his back. It actually must not have been too joyful for him because he hasn't done it since the first day!

On Monday we spread a shower liner on the kitchen floor and the twins helped me get a few containers ready to start onions, peas and tomatoes.

I had a profound experience this week that reminded me of the power of selfless love and the brother bond.  It was later in the evening and something happened (bumped or stepped on or something that I can't really remember) that made James cry. He was inconsolable and cried so hard that he gagged and threw up. Both Robin and Rand were very concerned about James and I was trying to reassure them while comforting him. All of the sudden Rand sat down next to me and patted his legs. I tried to explain that James was very sad and that he (Rand) probably didn't want to hold him. Rand just kept looking at me so I put James on his lap. James calmed down just long enough for me to collect my wits and then he just whimpered a little after that.  It was a little glimpse of heaven for me. 

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