Sunday, January 31, 2021

Nilsson News

What a mild winter!  I can't believe how warm things have been.  The next four days we are nearing 40 degrees which is quite unheard of this time of year.  I don't think we have even dropped below zero this season.  

We had a fun birthday with Eliza yesterday.  We did the usual doughnuts for breakfast as requested by the birthday girl, presents, and jumping at the local trampoline park.  We had cake and ice cream with the Harts the night before because Garrett and I had Stake Conference conflicts on the actual birthday night.  It was a fun day!  We are eagerly looking forward to Eliza's baptism this coming weekend and we will be sending you all the zoom link later this week. 

The work on the basement still continues.  Everything is taped, mudded, texturized and the first coat of paint applied.  We have trim work, doors, bookshelves, fireplace mantle and the finishing touches left.  We plan to have it done by Eliza's baptism this weekend and I'm looking forward to the deadline and having this one done.  I have seeds to start and can't wait to smell and feel soil in my fingers again!

This Tuesday, Addy and I are going to pick up a couple of goats.  One is a little doe named Bumble and the other is a stinky buck that we are renting for breeding purposes named Romeo.  We will show you pictures next week!

That's about it!

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