Sunday, January 10, 2021

Smithfield Scoop

 Could 2020 have ended any better??!!! Or 2021 started any better??!!!

What a wonderful way to end the year that had everyone feeling a bit anxious and a bit confused - gathering with our very favorite folks and feeling so glad about everything! So beautiful. And to begin a year with such hope and delight - with an absolutely gloriously happy bride and a humble and dear groom. We cannot think of it all without being overcome with gratitude for such blessings!

Thank you all for coming, participating, and being so kind and supportive. We cannot begin to express how grateful we are for all of you and for all of your help! It has been an interesting journey and we couldn't have asked for better travel companions through it all!

Perhaps some of our favorite photos from December and January will say it better than we can....

Trip to Houston - so delightful! T & T are perfect hosts!

Sweet, calm, pleasant Baby James.

"Can I please hold Baby James?"

You have to cut very fast to stay ahead 
of the twins eating it all before it gets into the salad!

Hugs from these two are the best!

These really help Grandpa see better?!

The fellows.

The shoes. The more the better!

The bride. Very lovely. Just hours before the wedding!

THE Happy Day!!

The Sisters!!

The Other Sisters!!

The dance!!

The other dance! Have you ever seen a happier dad?!!

"To infinity and beyond.....!!!"

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