Sunday, November 4, 2018

T&T In Texas

Well this weekend we were reminded how beautiful life is, and how important it is to keep positive relationships alive and strong.  Grandpa was a righteous giant, and the best example to me of how to treat people.  I remember grandpa's house in Provo the most.  As a kid, it was enormous!  and the fun play room, the swingset, and fruit trees in the back, playing music around the piano in the big family room, and all the family reunions that were held there.  He will definitely be missed, but he'll for sure keep making an impact through the lives he touched throughout the years. 
October was CRAZY!  We moved to a much nicer place, with a lot more room, and many more fun amenities, so if anyone wants to come visit PLEASE DO.  It's been pretty decent weather wise, other than some random torrential downpours after it's been in the 70s. 
We are trying to get our lives organized, with the side businesses, regular work, and trying to embrace all the neat things of where we get to live!  Houston always has something going on, and if there's a lull, there's always San Antonio or Dallas a few hours away!  Lots of fun places to see, interesting food to try, and unique landmarks to discover! 
Nothing really out of the ordinary happening, other than the Lakers are still finding their groove, but having a much better start than last season!  And Rudy just got a haircut so he's as cute as ever! 
I'll be flying in on Saturday morning around 10:30 am and leaving the following Tuesday morning.  Looking forward to seeing everyone and reminiscing Grandpa's wonderful life! 

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