Sunday, November 4, 2018

Nilsson News

I've been reminded this past week of how our lives are not our own and how precious each and every day is.  Our neighbor's husband died unexpectedly of a heart attack.  He was only 58.  I went to his funeral and it really made me appreciate my life even with my so called challenges.  It made me think of Grandpa and how fulfilled his life was.  What an amazing person to be related to.  I have so many fond memories of him.  I remember when I was really little, he would pick me up by my ears and I thought that was incredible.  When I was around 14, he took me and some other cousins to St. Louis MO. and surrounding areas.  I remember the fun reunions we had in Nauvoo while he was serving there.  I remember wondering how it was possible that someone could run into someone they knew no matter where it was they went.  He knew everyone!  I remember his house in Provo and the many reunions we enjoyed there.  I remember when he sold that house and I was sad but it helped me to realize that it really was just a house and there are more important things/people to focus on.  I remember writing him my scholarship letter for college, hoping I would qualify.  I remember feeling so important because my grandpa was friends with so many of the general authorities.  I loved my last name of Belliston because someone would always ask if I was related to Angus.  Yes I am, he is my Grandpa.
It feels like winter has arrived, other than the snow.  Our garden is put to bed, our leaves are raked up, our animals are fluffing up and my mind is turning to indoor projects.  There's never a moment of rest around here!  I did get a week off from having a calling.  Our stake realigned all the ward boundaries in a major way.  Dissolved one ward completely and all the wards got new names.  Everyone was released from their callings except the bishoprics.  I was soooo happy!  R.S. secretary was just not my thing.  Garrett was beside himself and pouted the entire day.  He loved his calling (YM pres.) and had the entire new year planned out.  I've never seen him so upset about something before.  9:00 that night we got a knock on the door and it was our new bishopric whom we had never met before.  They told us they were wanting to come and meet the Nilsson family (uh-huh, sure.  What do you really want?)  After visiting for a bit they turned and said that they had a calling for Garrett.  They wanted him to serve as the Young Men's President.  He was elated!  I went the whole week without being called and then Sunday morning it came, R.S. secretary.  You can't hide folks.  Don't try it.
Anyway, we enjoyed some fun with the Hart's and mom and dad.  Addy did a fabulous job at her piano competition and earned second place.  We look forward to visiting with you this coming weekend!
 Emerson was thrilled to catch a garter snake we just about stepped on when we were on a walk.
 EIMTA piano competition second place winner!
 It's fall!
 Have you ever made deluxe home made caramel apples?  They are so fun and so easy!
 Eliza the unicorn
 Henry the freezing praying mantis
 Mr. Emerson Robot
 Dr. Addy Nilsson D.V.M.

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