Sunday, November 4, 2018

Hart Happenings

  It was a good week to remember and tap into the power of families.  I am writing this while the boys are playing nicely together in the background (not quietly, mind you, but nicely) and reflecting on how fun it was to have Mom and Dad up on Halloween.  Ruth and Mom and I put our heads together to try to figure out a sewing project Ruth is going to tackle, Dad and Alex ended up in the same room visiting over our heads, the kids all wandered out at different points with questions and show and tell moments, and Lauren called and we got to visit with her in between Wesley commandeering her phone.  It was so family-ish! Very fun!
  It has turned very cold here, but that didn't stop us from getting our yesterday to tackle the rest of the leaves, scoop up the apples under the trees out front, and clean out the garage to make way for the snowblower.  It felt very good and productive and we celebrated our accomplishment by a big bonfire to burn some of the branches we have culled over the summer.  Good times!
  We got to see Addy perform at one of her piano competitions this week which was very fun.  We were all so impressed.  She is an excellent pianist.
  We enjoyed the ward trunk or treat this year and invited our friends from Florida.  I think they had a good time, but were slightly overwhelmed by the size of Latter-day Saint families!  We also went trick or treating with our friends the Martins Halloween night.  We went back to our old stomping grounds on 12th street and it was so fun to wander the familiar streets.
  Peter and Jack have been seek with bad colds and terrible coughs, but the rest of us have managed to steer clear of their germs.  Fingers crossed!
  We aren't sure when we'll be able to get down this weekend.  We'll make it for the funeral for sure, but how much sooner before that I don't know.  We'll be in touch I'm sure!
  Here is a fun poem about Autumn for you guys:

I love the Autumn,
And yet I cannot say
All the thoughts and things
That make me feel this way.
I love walking on the angry shore,
To watch the angry sea;
Where summer people were before,
But now there's only me.
I love wood fires at night
That have a ruddy glow.
I stare at the flames
And think of long ago.
I love the feeling down inside me
That says to run away
To come and be a gypsy
And laugh the gypsy way.
The tangy taste of apples,
The snowy mist at morn,
The wanderlust inside you
When you hear the huntsman's horn.
Nostalgia - that's the Autumn, 
Dreaming through September
Just a million lovely things
I always will remember.

Also, if you're looking for a really fun upbeat new song to add to your playlist check out "Like This, Like That" by the California Honeydrops.
  See you all soon!

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