Sunday, November 4, 2018

Flake Fun

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and serenades.  I'm sorry that I wasn't able to answer many of the phone calls but they were much appreciated.  I have the best family in the whole world.  I started the day off opening a new set of speakers from Scott!  They are Bluetooth so as soon as we get the adapter, we won't have to have any more cords!!!

Then we took our car to the shop.  Scott has tried replacing multiple parts with no positive results so we took it to the professionals.  Then we headed to the valley.  Things went very well with our appointment.  Afterwards we went to lunch which was fun and then out for gelado!  To end the day we went and bought a car!  So, I was very spoiled for my birthday!

The day after my birthday we had the second annual birthday bash.  We invited a couple of couple friends over for dinner.  We made street tacos and enjoyed associating with good friends.

We are excited to see everyone next week.  We were sad to hear the news about Grandpa but felt peace knowing that Dad & Mom were there with him.  We are grateful for the good memories we have of him.

Love you all!  

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