Sunday, December 10, 2017

Nilsson News

Yes, I've been a blogger slacker.  First of all, Emma my recommendation would be to make your mama happy.  You'll get to be all grown up and independent for the rest of your life and it isn't always everything it's cracked up to be.  Keep up is the loop though because we definitely want to be there for your call!!!  It's so close!
I've been feeling so bad about sharing our germs with the little Belliston clan and I hope that we can still be on talking terms.  I honestly had no idea that our kiddos were very sick, but I woke up to reality as soon as we got home.  Everyone got sick and it stuck around forever!  I think we are free and clear of germs for now.  We've turned on hibernation mode since the temps have plummeted.  Our donkeys are surviving but they look mighty cold with frosted whiskers and manes.  Our thermometer this morning read -3 degrees when I went out to feed the animals.  The frost makes the landscape look lovely and so winter wonderlandy!  The other day when we were driving, the frost crystals were abundant and they must have been the cause for the huge rainbow halo we saw around the sun.  It was incredible!
This week we had our ward Christmas party and it was very fun.  Addy made some sugar cookies to take and ended up making about 90 of them!  We will be decorating cookies for the next while I think.  The primary kids sang and Emerson got to be a bell player.  Our accompanist didn't show up so Addy stepped in and did a terrific job!  Garrett wooed the crowd with his Bing Crosby "White Christmas."  He got an applause mid song and was even able to add a little whistling.  It was great!  My kids seem to have an aversion to meeting Santa Clause and Eliza was especially a wreck and would not even go to the side of the room where he was sitting.  It must be genetic because I think I had that same condition when I was little.  Do you remember when he burst into our house saying ho, ho, ho without even knocking?! I think it was Dan Balls, but I remember being quite terrified of the jolly giant.
The kids are very excited about Christmas (minus the Santa Claus) and have been faithfully doing their advent calendar countdowns.  We have been reading the Forgotten Carols each night while our candle burns down to a new dot.  Yesterday, we went to visit the glass blower and each of the kids got to choose a unique ornament.  Thank you Elise for introducing us to this new tradition.  So fun!
I hope you are all enjoying your lovely seasonal traditions.  Keep drinking the hot cocoa and keep the music playing!  Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. So nice to hear from you on the blog again, Ruth! I remember that big jolly man bursting into our house - no one was more surprised than I was! Fun memories!
