Sunday, December 10, 2017

...And Loving It

K so this week was dead week at the university.  I nailed my philosophy comprehensive final with a 30/30 or 100%.  Killing it.  I just hope I manage to scrape by with at least a C in Chemistry.......

So yesterday was pretty much the funnest day of the year so far.  Nicole (Collie), my roommate, and I decided to go to SLC with some friends to see the lights.  We rounded up Alex, Zac, Zack, Landon, Loren, Romney, Tess, and Cambria.  It was a blast.  Alex, Zac, Romney, Cambria, Collie and I all stuffed ourselves into Alex's car and belted good ol' 2000 songs on the way down.  We met the rest of them down there.  Collie and I made up a fun game called PDA punch.  Basically whenever we saw anyone holding hands or kissing, we'd yell "they're in love" and whack each other in the arm.  Not even kidding she's got bruises and my right arm is dead.  College does things to people, everybody.  We really went ham when we saw a proposal in front of the Temple.  It was actually the cutest thing I've ever seen.  Then we went back to our apartment and watched a movie.  Zac fell asleep on one of our kitchen stools, lost his balance and was launched headfirst into our couch.  We laughed for a solid ten minutes! I felt kinda bad because he had a headache after but he was a good sport and just kinda fell asleep on the floor after.... poor guy ;) Collie, Cambria and I were just laughing our heads off at him. 

Other than that, not much going on.  Cross your fingers for my final for Chem tomorrow....... I'd love to just pass the class at this point.... But as my very good friend and brother in law has said, "chemistry is for the dogs."

 None of us have boyfriends or girlfriends, so Romney, Collie and I decided to take a "couple" picture with three of us.
 Girls from Left to right: Cambria, me, Collie.  Boys left to right: Alex, Loren, Landon, Zac, and Romney.

 .... I didn't know my phone was going to flash... but Romney and Collie look good!

Collie has this toothpaste charcoal stuff.  It's chalky but doesn't taste like anything.  We scared the ever living tar out of Elise when we walked into her room at midnight with black mouths.  Apparently it whitens teeth but it only made my gums bleed so I'm not doing that again.....

1 comment:

  1. Looks like such a blast! Glad you are having fun. I like the guy to girl ratio you've got going on......Good luck with chemistry tomorrow!
