Sunday, December 3, 2017

...And Loving It

Hey familia.  Not much going on here.  Lots of tender mercies but not enough time to tell y'all about them.  Mom and I are still in a tiff about my mission call.  It's still coming to my apartment though ;) dad threatened to change it when he sent it out and I threatened him with the silent treatment.  Probably not gonna work... Just one thing.  My mission call will probably come around the 17 or the 22 of January and it'd be awesome if some of you could be here.  Not necessary, but it's gonna be kind of boring with just dad, mom and I, so it would be fun to see you guys. We'd face time all of you, but only mom has the capacity to do that so we'd have to pick the favorite child here... Sounds intimidating doesn't it?? ;) haha jk jk.  Hope you all have a great week. Love you guys.

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