Sunday, December 17, 2017

Hart Happenings

It seemed like a really short week up here!  Peter is so excited for Christmas and keeps a careful countdown with our various advent calendars.
We enjoyed a ward party, the premier of the new Star Wars movie, Ian went sledding with some friends, we helped the young men and women stock the Bishop's storehouse shelves, and did a lot of shoveling due to the recent snowfall.
The most exciting thing to happen was the collapse of our Christmas tree.  Saturday morning we were all engaged in various projects throughout the house when all of a sudden here was a tremendous crash!  Our 15 foot tree had tipped over!  Ornaments went flying, our presents got soaked, it was a big mess.  We got everything mopped up and the tree stable again, but we are all still holding our breaths and tip-toeing around it.
We have enjoyed our new challenge.  We've replaced one meal every day with a salad.  There have been some truly delicious ones.  Here is a link to our favorite:
I decreased the amount of quinoa because I wanted to have lettuce be the base for the salad, so I added some romaine lettuce and didn't use basil because I didn't have any fresh stuff, but YUMMY!
Ruth has been really nice to let me come over and work on some Christmas surprises at her house.  She talked Alex into doing a presentation about Christmas in Canada for the kiddos, which was really fun.  Afterward we all enjoyed some delicious poutine (of course)!  The kids did a fun Christmas tree craft and then Ruth and I cut some evergreen out of the yard and made beautiful wreaths.  Very festive!
We made Christmas bread and delivered it all day on Friday.  Such a fun tradition!
The boys also made cute bookmarks to give to their favorite librarians.  We love those ladies!
It was a great week!

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