Sunday, December 31, 2017

Flake Fun

31 Dec 2017 - Can you believe this year is already over?  It sure has sped by.  In looking back, it has been a pretty good year with a couple of job changes, some neat trips, and lots of happy memories.

We had a great Christmas and spent most of the day at Randy and Dona's with the family.  The weather was gorgeous and fairly warm.  (As nice as it was, we need moisture so I keep hoping for some snow soon).   The weekend before we were down in the Mesa at a family Christmas party.  We also went to a professional hockey game which was quite the experience.  I've never had much interest but it was an opportunity and we took it.  The funny thing about hockey is that it is just a bunch of chaos! The Arizona Coyotes ended up winning 2-3 in overtime.

We lost another fish (Arthur) so we are down to 5 inside fish.  It looks like one of our molly fish could be pregnant so we might have baby fish soon.  All 5 of our outside fish seem to be fine.  They only come out when it is nice and sunny and all of the ice on the tank melts.

Hope that everyone has a great new year celebration and that this week is the best yet!  Love you all and can't wait to see you sometime soon!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about Arthur :(
    Maybe you should move your inside fish to the outside tank since they seem to like it and do well there!
