Sunday, December 3, 2017

Hart Happenings

  Sitting here in front of a roaring fire while it gears up for snow outside, relaxing with a sick Ian and listening to Kurt Bestor.  It must be Christmas time!
  We were so sad to hear about the baptism postponement due to sickness at the Belliston residence.  Hopefully everyone is on the mend.  Keep us posted on the rescheduling!  Also can't wait to hear about Joe's concert.  Hooray for the euphonium!  Makes me think of Annie Laurie.......
  Speaking of concerts, Ian spent Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday rehearsing for his Christmas concert that took place on Saturday.  Unfortunately, he lost his voice Friday morning, so he actually lip-synced everything at the concert.  He probably would have been better at home in bed, but he was part of a small dance number that would have really been messed up by his absence so he stuck it out until the end and came home and collapsed.  What a trooper!
  Funny thing about Peter.  Our favorite show is on again, so we have been watching Fixer Upper as a family on Tuesday nights and then we do it all over again when Ruth comes over on Wednesdays.  So Peter has taken it into his bright little mind that our house needs some Fixer Upper love.  He periodically will kick Jack, Ian, or myself out of our rooms, takes a before picture, proceed to "fixer-upper" things, and then has us come back for the big reveal and some after pictures.  He is really good at tidying things up, but I have a hard time finding things after one of his episodes.  I didn't respond really well yesterday when he decided to "fixer upper" the entryway coat closet.  He managed to get everything out of the closet, but then found that he couldn't get it all back in by himself.  I discovered him at the point of this realization, my way to the front door completely blocked by coats, shoes, boots, gloves, hats, etc....I might have yelled a little.  He wanted me to take a picture anyway.
  We went with some of our homeschool friends on a field trip to the local power plant.  It was absolutely fascinating!  They have this really great hands on room where kids can try to ride a bike and pedal fast enough to generate the amount of electricity it takes to power a light bulb or charge and cell phone, they could play with snap circuits or identify electrical hazards in a rooms.  The tour guide was really engaging and good at explaining something that is pretty much like magic to me and I really had no idea about.  They also took us on a tour of the plant and we got to see the big turbine they have underneath the river that generates the electricity we use in Idaho Falls.  The boys thought that was pretty awesome.
  The Family History Center here is hosting culture nights this month where they highlight the Christmas traditions from a few countries.  We went on Thursday night and we heard from a lady from Moldova, one from Venezuela, and a gal who brought stuff to share from New Zealand.  We then got to sample traditional foods from those countries and look at some of the items they brought to show.  Jack had a hard time understanding the thick accents but it was really interesting and fun.
  It was fun to have mom come up unexpectedly for Ian's concert.  We got to go to the mall with them and the Nilssons which was an adventure.  We sure appreciate all the effort that Mom and Dad go to to support their rapidly expanding family!  I know it keeps you guys busy and it means a lot to us!
  We've had a good time recently raiding our yard for greenery, pinecones, and pretty red branches to decorate the house with.  We found our Christmas tree in our front yard and cut it down last Sunday.  It looked a lot smaller outside!  Thank goodness for a vaulted ceiling!
  Hope you're all staying cozy and warm these days and enjoying the Light the World campaign.  Christmas is wonderful!

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