Sunday, August 14, 2016

News from Springville

Well it's been a while but we are still here.  We have really been enjoying the summer and haven't been able to get the kids to come inside before 9:30.  As long as it's light outside they don't want to come in.  And even then they would rather stay out and play night games.

Grace and Grant had three weeks of swim lessons and they really enjoyed that.  They wouldn't even put their heads under the water the first day and now they are jumping off diving boards!

Lori has been working hard in the garden and we are seeing the fruits of her labors.  We have a dozen or more cantaloupe that decided to take over everything, and we have a big Watermelon that Jake can't wait to pick.  We put a couple hummingbird feeders under the grape arbor and my favorite thing is to sit in the hammock and watch the birds.

Well this has been a comparatively boring post.  We aren't buying a new house, moving, traveling, or delivering babies but we are happy and we do have some funny kids.  Lori was making dinner the other night and dropped some of it on the ground.  She was a little upset when Grace said "It's not the end of the world, but it is the end of our dinner."  We all had a good laugh and then made some eggs.

We are excited to see you all in a couple weeks!!

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