Sunday, August 28, 2016

Hectic in Hyde Park

Well, we had a delightful trip to Alaska with Grandpa and all of Dad's siblings.  We saw some beautiful territory (including some amazing glaciers that breeched just for us), a few animals of interest (including one sweet beaver that I named Bravo), visited with Rhonda and Eric and their family, attended the farmer's market in Anchorage, went on a riverboat excursion in Fairbanks, and learned a lot about the history and culture of that area. But it was a little long to be away and we are happy to be back.  Things survived here, thanks to Elise, Ruth and Lauren who came to keep Emma company, care for the yard and garden and re-do Emma's room.  Many heartfelt thanks to all of you!!!  Thanks, too, for entertaining Becca and keeping her company and getting her to the airport.  Uncle Burl's passing was really hard for her and she was very grateful to spend time with so many of you while she was in Utah.

We hit the ground running when we got home from our trip... answering a bunch of texts that we didn't get until coming home, a large pile of mail, long list of emails, and phone messages, attending a very long (38 hour) birth, mowing the lawn and harvesting peaches, etc.  It's been great to eat regular food again!!  Like the Flakes, we've enjoyed some luscious garden dinners.  The favorite dish has been our very delicious home-grown watermelons.  We've had several large and medium ones that are very juicy and sweet.  We keep hoping the cantaloupes will begin to ripen soon, since there are too many to eat in one sitting! The potatoes and tomatoes are very yummy, as are the cucumbers, berries and beans.  It is certainly a yummy time of year!

Emma survived a week of band camp then another three days of drill camp.  She finally got her schedule arranged and has an AP government class and some concurrent enrollment classes, as well as trying to finish up a few American School courses.  Still can't believe she's a senior...

Thomas and Victoria got moved to another house close to her family.  It is a home Victoria's parents intend to "flip" but the newlyweds get to live there in the meantime.  They will be very busy again starting tomorrow... classes, work, Big Blue, etc., etc.  We won't see much of them for a few months.

It was fun to have Ruth and the children come this week. They weren't here long, but we did have fun while it lasted! Henry has really grown up and is talking up a storm! They brought peaches and pears, so we have our work cut out for us this week.

We are so excited to see all of you in a few days we can hardly stand it! Please travel safely everyone, and be prepared for a great time! The Harts have a wonderful gathering planned....

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