Sunday, August 7, 2016

Manning Musings

This past week we have been focusing on moving. Thanks to Emma, Mom and Dad the move went pretty smooth. We didn't end up moving to Preston because we didn't hear anything from the apartments we contacted least not until we moved to this place! I think we are supposed to be here for some reason. But we are happy to stay in Logan and our apartment has a little more sunlight, breathing room and a washer and dryer.
Nick is very busy with seminary training and guitar teaching and playing. He has had a good summer but has been busy which isn't as fun for his wife. He loves the Preston faculty and they will be a good group to work with this year.
Wesley is the cutest baby on the planet! It is amazing how he changes every day. Some of his favorite things lately are spitting and blowing bubbles, kicking almost all the time, and reading books. We sometimes are lucky to get a laugh out of him.
That's about it. So excited to see you in a few weeks!

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