Sunday, August 28, 2016

Hart Happenings

Things are gearing up for the gathering. Yippee! We're so excited to see everyone! There has been some question about what to bring. We have all the towels and pillows and extra blanket and pack'n plays that you might need, so don't worry about any of that stuff. There is also nothing that needs to be planned in advance as far as skits or activities go. Everything for the Olympics will be provided. If the boys want to fish in an early morning just bring your gear and license. If you have any other questions about specific items let me know! A detailed itinerary will be provided to each family upon arrival. 
Here are some pics from this week:

Ian's genie outfit

Raspberry/huckleberry jam

Trying to hike with some friends (we ended up having to turn around)

Making flatbreads at garden class

Our new yard care crew

Jack's prize-winning broccoli

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