Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hart Happenings

Well, Education Week was wonderful. The classes were fantastic and it was fun to go with Lori to a few of those. Eating lunch with Joe was a highlight as well as hanging out at the Belliston house in Springville with that fun family and Becca who was staying the night before she flew back to Arizona. 
The week before that the boys and I were down at Mom's house redoing Emma's room which turned out lovely! 

It was fun to hear her and the marching band and hang out with Lauren, Nick, and Wesley. Wesley and I were going out for a walk in the backyard where the boys were jumping on the new trampoline. So fun! Peter and the boys are constantly on the lookout for things we will be taking to "the farm" when we finally find one and so Peter looks at me holding Wesley and says: "Mom, are we taking that baby to the farm with us?" He makes me laugh!
We got to go to the fair which was also fun. Jack and Ian rode on an elephant they had there which was unexpected and very cool!

Now for some information about the Family Gathering 2016:
We will gather on Friday night at the new vacation house. Dinner will be served at 6:00 but come when you can! It will be gathering night and I imagine people will just trickle in as able. We were going to be doing a service project at the Nilsson house but they live in the best ward in the world who took care of it for them already. So for a service opportunity you guys get to help us put the vacation house together! 
Yay! It's all ready to rock and roll we just need to assemble some beds in order for you guys to have a place to sleep! Saturday will be a zoo and park day with the Olympics, food, and kids' stage production thrown in there. Sunday will be church and down time with a Storytime with Grandma and a slide show from their Alaska trip. Monday morning is a pancake breakfast and hanging out playing games and such until people need to take off. Guys bring your fishing licenses and gear if you want to get some fishing in on an early morning or Monday. More specific itinerary to come....We are so excited and looking forward to seeing everyone and just basking in your company. Send me t-shirt sizes please so we can get the shirts ordered this week!

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