Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hang ups in Hyde Park

So, I finally found the post I wrote several weeks ago and clicked on the wrong button, so now you have a very outdated post. Oh, well. Late news is sometimes still news....

This week sort of evaporated. Where it went I do not know. I attended two births and tried to get back on top of house work and laundry. Emma finished the last of 8 performances of Music Man last night. It was a good show, for a high school production. She says she'd rather be on stage than in the pit, so she may try out next year. Thomas took the rest of his bedroom furniture to his apartment last night. It's getting more and more quiet around here. Just the thought of more furniture being gone makes the house quieter in some way.

Things are getting ready for the big event next Saturday! It will be wonderful to be together again, especially in the temple. Grandpa will be performing the sealing, as you know. I find it significant Albert and Elsie Belliston, Angus and Marcelle Belliston, Jim and Robin Belliston, Joseph and Lori Belliston and Thomas and Victoria Belliston all were/will be married in the Salt Lake Temple. That is a long line of our family temple marriages in that great pioneer temple! I also find it significant that all of the other weddings in our family took place in pioneer temples - Logan (twice - Elise and Lauren), Manti (Ruth) and St. George (Jenn). I have always felt strong impressions that extended family members attended those marriages from the other side of the veil. I have every confidence that my mother and Dad's mother were at all of the marriages of our children and quite possibly my grandparents. Our forefathers have a great interest in their posterity and I think they have more to do with our lives than we often realize. I hope you'll watch for and be aware of feelings and impressions that you have in special situations like temple marriages. The veil is truly quite thin on those occasions.

Dad, Emma and I attended the YSA 27th ward family day for church today. Thomas and Victoria both attend that ward. There were lots of folks there! We couldn't fit in one of the regular Sunday School classes, so they created another class in the cultural hall to accommodate the extra people. It was great! During the lesson the teacher made a comment that struck me. He said he had a fairly intense mission companion who once took him by the collar and said to him, "Elder, never forget! Never forget that the Celestial Kingdom is the goal!" There are so many things in our day to day experiences that tend to distract us and keep us from remembering that. If we focus on remembering what our ultimate goal is, so much that bugs us, or the frustrations we experience in life, won't be so important. There are only a few things worth the time and attention we give them. Just a thought.

See you all soon!

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